These 10 fitness-focused families on Instagram not only value exercise and staying in shape for their own livelihoods, but they also show their children how to have a positive approach to fitness, body image, healthy eating, and overall wellness. 

Brooke Murray

The beautiful landscape of the Colorado mountains provides mom, Brooke Murray (known as @brooke.froelich) the perfect backdrop to teach her two children about the importance of living a fit life. “It’s so important to create an active environment for my family because the habits my children learn in our home will hopefully follow them into their adult life,” Murray tells Verywell. And she’s not kidding when she says an active environment. A quick scan of her Instagram account shows family adventures that include paddle boarding, hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and biking.  But it’s not just the intentional decisions she is making for her children that matter, Murray and her husband also try to plan date nights around activities that make them feel genuinely good, such as a bike ride to a beautiful place or a healthy picnic. “My husband and I have also learned that everything at home seems to run a little smoother when we support each other in taking time to exercise,” she says. 

Monica Bencomo: Moms Wear Heels

Monica Bencomo (@momswearheels) is a mom on a mission. As the founder of the Moms Wear Heels, a site that coaches women who are mothers to become their best selves through fitness, this mom of two believes strongly in dedicating her life to health. —Brooke Murray (@brooke.froelich) “I grew up in a household where health and fitness was not a priority, and by age 18, I was 50 pounds overweight, severely depressed, and uncomfortable in my own skin as a result,” Bencomo tells Verywell. When she finally learned how to eat well and exercise appropriately, she lost the extra 50 pounds and decided to share her knowledge with other women.  But it’s not just the community of women she inspires. Bencomo also wants her kids to have a strong foundation growing up by showing them how to eat, move their bodies, and take care of their spirit for total wellness. Her tip for families looking to incorporate a fit lifestyle? Develop a family mission statement, and include within it why being healthy is a priority. And don’t forget to involve your kids.

Jes Bowen

Not only does fit mom, Jes Bowen (@jb_figure), inspire her near 300K Instagram followers to live a healthier life, she’s also the leader of her family’s fit lifestyle. You can find this inspirational mom knocking out a set of deadlifts and hanging leg raises with her young daughter or striking a biceps pose with her son. —Monica Bencomo (@momswearheels) Through her Instagram account, this mom and wife gives us an inside glimpse into her daily devotion to fitness and family. 

Steve Lion

Californian, Steve Lion (@steve_lion_physique), is a proud father that believes fitness is an invaluable lifestyle. His Instagram account is full of workout ideas and quick fitness tips for busy parents. But the top posts on this account show dad with the best training partner ever—his daughter. And she is just as fierce as her dad when it comes to exercise, especially when she crushes it with the battle ropes! —Jes Bowen (@jb_figure)

Andrea Allen: Deliciously Fit N Healthy

Mom of four, Andrea Allen (@deliciouslyfitnhealthy), leads by example when it comes to teaching her children how to live a healthy lifestyle. —Steve Lion (@steve_lion_physique) “If they learn to eat healthily and move their body now they will never have to diet or feel like they don’t have control of their health, which will lead to a more balanced life, rather than yo-yo dieting because they will know how to do it from a young age,” Allen tells Verywell.  Her Instagram account is full of workouts for busy parents that also involve the kids, which makes sense since she believes wholeheartedly in letting children see their parents exercise. “Since the day my kids were born, they have seen me exercise almost every morning. That makes it completely normal to them just like eating lunch or brushing their hair because it happens every day.”

Michael Ashford: Fit Dad Fitness

Certified personal trainer Michael Ashford (@fitdadfitness) of Fit Dad Fitness, surrounds himself with fitness and family and inspires other fathers to also live an active, involved, healthy life with their children. When it comes to being active as a family, Ashford says to keep it simple. —Andrea Allen (@deliciousfitnhealthy) “Find ways to be active as a family, and I’m not talking about any specific type of exercise,” Ashford tells Verywell.  “Go for a walk or a hike together. Run around and play in the backyard or at the park. Do obstacle courses as a family. Especially for parents, participate as much as possible with your children in activities that get you moving and bring you joy.”

Kristy Ardo

Mom of three, Kristy Ardo (@baby_fitgym), shows her more than 200K followers what it’s like to be pregnant and postpartum while leading a fit lifestyle. Along with her husband, the pair create an environment focused on health and wellness for their three young children. It’s not uncommon to click on any of her workout videos and find one of her kids working out with mom.  —Michael Ashford (@fitdadfitness)

Danielle Jones: Ms. Boston

If you want to see a mother-daughter team that is tearing it up, then you need to check out Danielle Jones “aka Ms. Boston” (@msboston) on Instagram. From planking and punching to battle ropes and handstands, whenever Jones works out, her daughter, Honor, is right there alongside her completing reps. In many of her posts, it’s amazing to watch as Honor keeps up with her mom.  —Kristy Ardo (@baby_fitgym)

Charese Parran

If you’re looking for some serious yoga inspiration—family style—then you need to spend some time on Charese Parran’s Instagram (@cparran_fitmom). Whether she’s hitting the gym, doing yoga with her girls, or spending time outdoors with her husband, this fit wife and mom of two shows her followers how living a fit life and inspiring her children through exercise can bring a family close together.  —Danielle Jones (@msboston)

Dorothy Beal: Mile Posts

Mother, runner, writer, and founder of I Run This Body, Dorothy Beal (@mileposts) fills her Instagram account with inspirational posts about running, life, and of course, family. —Charese Parran (@cparran_fitmom) “It’s important for me to create a healthy and loving environment for my children because I know that I am helping to set the foundation for their future,” Beal tells Verywell. From active days on the beach to lacing up running shoes and racing in marathons as her children cheer her on, followers get a glimpse into what it’s like to pair fitness with family. A major focus for Beal is teaching her kids about how the food they eat helps them grow physically and allows them to get closer to their goals. “I want them to believe that their bodies are vessels that help them do cool things like climb a mountain or run fast during a soccer game.”  —Dorothy Beal (@mileposts)