Your Baby’s Development at 12 Weeks

At 12 weeks, a baby is typically about 2.5 inches in length (6–6.5 centimeters). Which Trimester? First trimester How Many Weeks to Go? 28 weeks Your baby finally looks just like a little human. All the physical features and body parts are in place. There’s just a whole lot of growing and maturing to do from now until baby’s birthday.


The baby’s skin is delicate and translucent (see-through).Bones, including the skeleton, skull, and long bones are hardening.Fingernails are forming.Your baby’s vocal cords are forming.The baby’s liver is making red blood cells.The pituitary gland is beginning to secrete hormones.Up until now, the intestines have extended into the umbilical cord. But this week, there’s finally enough room in the baby’s abdomen for the intestines to make their way to their final home.The placenta is fully functional and taking over hormone production to sustain the pregnancy.

Explore a few of your baby’s week 12 milestones in this interactive experience.

Your Common Symptoms This Week

Your pregnancy hormones are stabilizing, and your uterus is finally making its way up and out of your pelvis.

Less Nausea

Good news, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) coursing through your body is beginning to level off. That might mean some relief from nausea and vomiting right about now. Estrogen and progesterone are also linked to nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. So, as the placenta takes over hormones production, symptoms tend to subside. Unfortunately, morning sickness does not go away for everyone. Some expecting parents continue having nausea with or without vomiting into the second trimester or even throughout the entire pregnancy.

Expanding Uterus

Your uterus is expanding to fill your pelvis. It now reaches your lower abdomen, where it might start to protrude ever so slightly. The top of the uterus is called the fundus. Your doctor can feel it by pressing down on your belly just above the pubic bone.

Bladder Relief

As your uterus grows upward out of your pelvis, it might take some pressure off your bladder. You may find that you’re not running to the restroom quite as often. However, frequent urination is only taking a break. It will return as your pregnancy progresses.

Skin Changes

Up to 75% of pregnant individuals notice skin pigmentation changes in pregnancy. Melasma (also called chloasma gravidarum and pregnancy mask) may appear as irregular brown areas on your forehead, upper lip, and cheeks. These dark patches typically last until the pregnancy ends.

Self-Care Tips

Make no mistake, feeling comfortable and confident during pregnancy is good for you and part of self-care.

Comfortable Pants

Whether you buy new or used clothes or borrow some from a friend, revamping your wardrobe is necessary. If you haven’t already, you can start by adding a few stretchy waist bottoms or pregnancy pants. They will be much more comfortable as your belly begins to expand. If you’re trying to hold off on the pregnancy clothes, consider a waistband extender or pregnancy belly band to wear over unbuttoned jeans and skirts. These items can keep you in your pre-pregnancy clothes a bit longer.

Healthy Snacks

As first-trimester nausea begins to fade, you might start to feel a little hungrier. Have some nutritious snacks on hand that are ready to go and easy to grab when you need a quick bite. Raw veggies, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, hummus and chips, yogurt, and cheese are just a few good choices to help satisfy a craving while getting in some extra nutrients.

Advice for Partners

It wasn’t too long ago when parents didn’t know their baby’s sex until the big reveal at birth. But, with today’s technology, expectant parents are learning the news much sooner. Between peaking inside the uterus with ultrasound and early prenatal genetic testing, it won’t be long before you and your partner have the option to find out your baby’s sex. Some parents want to know, and some parents don’t. It’s a good idea to discuss it with your partner to see if you’re on the same page. You might be surprised to find that you and your partner have different thoughts on the subject. If you do disagree, it’s up to the pair of you to learn—and understand—why you have opposite takes. For instance, some may want to learn the baby’s sex before birth to help prepare a nursery, choose a name, or even make space to deal with feelings of disappointment. On the other hand, others may not want to find out the sex so they can sidestep stereotypical gifts and gendered preconceptions, or simply enjoy one of life’s biggest surprises.

At Your Doctor’s Office

Your second prenatal visit may be this week. This appointment will be shorter than your first, but you will have some déjà vu with the tests and questions asked.

You’ll still have your weight and blood pressure checked. You may be asked to give a urine sample so your OB or midwife can check your sugar and protein levels. (High sugar may signal gestational diabetes, while high protein may be a sign of a kidney or urinary tract infection.) You may also get to hear your baby’s heartbeat while your healthcare provider checks the baby’s heart rate.

As your waistline begins to expand, it’s time to seek comfort. You may not be ready for pregnancy clothes just yet, but you will be soon. If you can borrow some pregnancy wear from a friend or family member, that’s a big help. But, if you’ll be purchasing a new wardrobe, it’s a little easier on the budget if you get a few pieces at a time. Now is a good time to invest in comfortable bottoms. If you, your partner, and your healthcare provider decide an amniocentesis is the right choice for you, the procedure is usually performed between week 15 and week 20. This test examines fetal cells in the amniotic fluid for genetic disorders. Amniocentesis isn’t recommended for all people who are pregnant. However, your doctor will advise you to consider it if you’re at increased risk for genetic and chromosomal problems or age 35 and older. There is a small miscarriage risk associated with this test.

A Word From Verywell

Week 12 may bring a little relief from early pregnancy symptoms. As your reward for weathering that hormone rollercoaster you’ve been riding, you may start to see the beginnings of a baby bump and get to hear your baby’s heartbeat. Next week is the last week of your first trimester.