To make it go smoothly with happy memories at the end, parents need to line up multiple summer child care options around a schedule of vacation dates and activities—while at the same time trying to infuse some summer fun into their kids’ days. That’s a tall order, so it’s best to start the summer planning as soon as you can. This step-by-step guide for summer planning will help you get started. Also add any important work-related dates, such as business travel and deadlines. Once complete, you’ll have a rough idea of how many days or weeks for which you’ll need a plan. Professional goals could be something ambitious, like completing a complicated project, or they could be as simple as setting aside a certain number of hours per week for work. Family-related goals might include taking day trips or enjoying this time with the kids with less stress. Factor in the general summer slowdown fueled by client and coworker vacations. Likewise, the kids being home from school affects what you can accomplish when it comes to work. You also want to avoid over-scheduling your kids with activities every day. Kids benefit from having downtime and options for free play. During unstructured play time, kids release stress and learn about the world around them. So, make sure to incorporate some time for unstructured play alongside your structured activities. While some families need to get out of the house every day, others find that several times a week is adequate. Perhaps your family already has a summer “bucket list” of things to do. If not, find some ideas online, such as berry picking, local water parks, and nature walks. Or maybe there’s a skill ​the kids didn’t quite master during the school year that you could focus on, such as math facts or shoe tying. Summer can be the time to tackle those things in a more relaxed way. Many summer camps start filling up in February and March, and babysitters get booked before the school year is out, so don’t delay in implementing the details of your summer plan. But, if you’re getting a late start, don’t despair either. Something will come together. The next step may be to cut hours or rearrange your schedule to work evenings and weekends. Or, maybe your partner can arrange a more flexible schedule for the summer. Consider, too, whether taking a working vacation (where you work and the kids play) is an option. This scenario breaks up the monotony of spending the entire summer at home for both you and the kids. Think about how to move toward those goals you’ve set as you plan the days. Use flex time and vacation time to allow you achieve your goals, and be sure to set aside some time to have fun together. After all, you want to make some memories along the way. Simply sitting down with your kids and playing with them can have huge benefits. In fact, research shows that parents are a child’s most enriching toy. The things they learn from playing with you are endless. As a result, consider painting, making a craft together, or playing with play-doh during your lunch breaks. Take them to the library to explore while you work at a nearby table. Or, play a board game, a game of tag, or basketball at night after dinner. Even a family bike ride on Sunday evenings can be a great family activity. Regular activities built into your summer help strengthen your parent-child relationship and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. So, map out your schedule, get childcare lined up, and plan a few outings, but also allow some room for last-minute decisions. Given the flexibility, your summer with the family can take you in some exciting directions. Plus, you might even develop a few traditions along the way.