What you need: Books from bookstores, garage sales, flea markets, used bookstores, and sales run by your neighborhood library A bookcase, a cardboard box, or other materials to make a place for books What to do:

  1. Pick a special place for your child’s books so he knows where to look for them. A cardboard box that you can decorate together might make a good bookcase. Or clear a shelf and make a special place for him to put his books with the family books.
  2. Help your child arrange his books in some order – his favorite books, books about animals, holiday books. Use whatever method will help him most easily find the book he’s looking for.
  3. Borrow books from your neighborhood library. Go to the children’s section and spend time with your child reading and selecting books to take home and put in his special place. You might even have a box or space just for library books, so they don’t get mixed up with his other books.
  4. Encourage family and friends to give books as presents to your child for birthdays and other occasions.
  5. When you and your child make your own books, you can add them to your home library. When collecting and reading books are a part of family life, you send your child a message that books are important, enjoyable, and full of new things to learn. Source: Helping Your Child Become a Reader, U.S. Department of Education