More: 8 Steps to Take Before Trying to Conceive Parents-to-be can put a lot of pressure on themselves to determine the perfect time to have a child. They can often feel like this is a big decision that should be scheduled and prepared for and planned. The thing is, we all know what they say about best laid plans… No matter how ready or not we feel like we are to parent a new baby, sometimes life has other plans for us. Sometimes, our feelings surprise us – in either direction – when the prospect of parenthood becomes closer. Getting ready for parenthood is often like a practice session for actual parenthood. Curve balls can be thrown at you left and right, which is not much different than how parenthood feels much of the time. Still, if you can acknowledge that there are no black and white answers, and you just want to take some time to think practically about how you might determine how ready you are for a baby, then we have a few questions that can help you think through this. Here are 10 questions to consider as you ask yourself the age old question: Am I ready for a baby?

1. Do I have a support system?

Raising children truly does take a village, and you will want to consider what kind of support system you have or might need to establish. Think about who will be there to support you with their time and with emotional support as you focus on your bundle of joy. You will also want to reflect upon the limitations of your support system. Maybe the baby would have doting grandparents, but they would live too far away to be of regular help. Maybe you have close friends or family members who would love to help you, but perhaps they will also have changing life circumstances that will keep them from being able to help.

2. What are the implications for my living situation?

Consider whether your current living situation is ideal for raising children. If it’s a temporary situation, limited in space, or somehow consisting of unsafe conditions, you will want to think about this. What steps will you have to take before having a baby to create the home you have envisioned for your future little one?

3. Are there anticipated challenges for my physical and/or mental health?

Particularly, if you plan to take the path of pregnancy towards parenthood, are there any factors related to your physical and mental health that may provide limitations or challenges that you will need to research or prepare for? Do you have insurance and access to trusted healthcare? Postpartum depression is also an experience that can range in impact but is all too common of an experience for women. Would you have the support you need to take on additional physical and mental challenges?

4. Do I truly want kids?

This may seem obvious already if you are reading this article, but you may also be wondering if you truly want to have a baby. Are you wondering if you are ready because you really want to have a child and want to be the best parent possible? Or are you considering this big decision because someone else is pressuring you to think about it? Pressure can come in the form of a partner’s wishes, a promise you made long ago, pressure from your parents, or societal expectations. Listen to the voice deep within you, and make sure that it is your own voice that you are listening to.

5. What will the effects of having a new baby be on my career?

Although you can be a wonderful and loving parent no matter what your situation, you should consider if there are certain times that might be better than others to have a child related to your current path. Would having a baby now impact your ability to finish high school, college, a needed training program, or graduate school? Do you have a job that provides work/life balance, maternity leave, paternity leave, healthcare, or paid time off? Have you and your partner hoped to be stay at home or work from home parents, and would that be possible at this time?

6. What are my preferred paths and limitations for having a child?

There is no one path to becoming a parent, and even if you think you have a preferred path to getting there, it doesn’t mean that is necessarily the path you will travel. Whether it’s a pregnancy that happens right away, a path of fertility treatments of varying kinds, adoption, surrogacy, fostering, a slip up of birth control, or a single parent journey, it’s important to consider how all of these paths would affect your life.

7. Have I had enough time to do the things I had hoped to do before becoming a parent?

Many people have dreams of traveling, exploring, or feeling varying degrees of freedom before becoming parents. Consider what dreams you would be okay with putting on hold or experiencing with a baby by your side. Life moves very quickly, especially after the birth of a child. Will there be things you will look back upon and wonder if you should have done them before becoming a parent?

8. Are my partner and I on the same page about having a baby?

If you have a partner, how sure are you that you feel the same about parenthood and the choice to become parents? If you do not have a partner, how do you feel about being a single parent? Having a baby does not erase existing problems or challenges, and often it can exacerbate them. It is important to really consider hesitations and questions about having a baby beforehand.

9. Why do I want to have a baby?

Becoming a new parent is a full time job. Even if you plan to work full time outside of the home, your child will be on your mind and in your heart constantly. Daydreaming about potential baby names does not automatically mean you are ready to change your life in one of the most impactful possible ways. Your life will never be the same once you have children, and it can lead to some life experiences that are beyond your imagination. It is very important to go into it with your eyes and your heart wide open.

10. Do I feel ready to have a baby financially?

Having a baby and raising children is expensive. There is no way to avoid the financial implications. From the potential costs of fertility treatments or adoption fees to childcare or daycare and babysitting to education, having a baby is no small financial undertaking. Although there are many paths for support and help along the way, the more you can recognize as potential costs and challenges, and the more you can plan for them, the better. Whether this is a hard time for you or the best time possible for having a baby, you will never have a crystal ball to show you exactly what the future will hold, and you need to be okay with that. Parenting takes love, dedication, and support. You simply need to go into it with an open heart and mind. There are no words to describe the magnitude of becoming a parent and for how this adventure changes your life. As is often said, if you decide to have a child, know that your heart will be walking around outside of your body for eternity. If you’ve made the choice to have a baby, here are our favorite pregnancy announcements to consider.