Children with auditory issues often have speech-language difficulties as well, such as trouble understanding what is being said, going off topic during conversation or written composition, problems with reading or spelling, or finding the right word to use. Common Signs of Auditory Problems Auditory issues can vary significantly, from a child who needs things repeated a few times to “get it” to a child who screams when a fire engine goes by a mile away. Does your child…

have excessively strong reactions – or virtually none at all – to loud or unusual noises? not speak as well as other same-age children? seem to ignore you when you call his name although you know he can hear? have a significant history of ear infections? cover his ears frequently to block out sound – or for no apparent reason? seem uncomfortable or distracted in a group or busy room? react to sounds you don’t hear – or react to them long before you hear them? have an unusually high or low voice volume? often ask others to repeat what they have said? have trouble with phonics and learning to read?