Umbrella Strollers

Umbrella strollers are great for fast and furious shopping trips and quick strolls. They are very portable and also easy to store in the car, for those unexpected walks in the park on your way home from the grocery store. While umbrella strollers are ultralightweight and easy to use, they can also be less sturdy. This is usually only a problem for toddlers or older children. Though they do come in sturdier versions, these tend to be a bit more expensive. Umbrella strollers can also be difficult to use with very young babies. Before your baby can hold his head up well, you will need a stroller in which your baby can lie down. Most umbrella strollers do not offer this option.

Double Strollers

Double strollers are a wonderful invention! They work great not only for moms with multiples, but also if you have an older child who wants to tag along. You may also consider a double stroller as an investment if you want more children in the future. Having the extra storage space is never a bad thing! There are a few different types of double strollers:

Side-by-side stroller: This stroller works well if you have two young kids who like to talk or play. It also works out well for one child because you can put purchases or coats in the extra seat. Tandem stroller: This stroller has one seat in the front and one in the back. Many are made so that one or two car seats will snap right into the stroller. This can make the transition from car to stroller very easy, particularly with a sleeping baby. And if you have a toddler as well as an infant, your older child can sit up front and look out while your baby snoozes in the back. Other variations: The other main variation on a double stroller allows one child to sit or stand on a small platform built behind a normal-looking stroller seat. These are lightweight strollers. They are designed for one small child and older child.


The old-fashioned carriage is coming back into style. These buggies are usually for babies who want to lie down and not sit up. For this reason, carriages are perfect for newborns and little ones who can’t yet sit up. Most carriages have a wide enough berth in the compartment to hold two small babies, if you have multiples. The down side to carriages is their lack of flexibility. Most carriages don’t fold and go very easily. They also do not expand to accommodate a sitting older baby. This can make them more of an expensive toy for you than a practical solution for travel and getting out and about.