Group together several small items such as medicine dispensers, diaper rash ointment, thermometer, burp rags, infant pain reliever or nail clippers. Or create a themed gift by packaging a selection of bath accessories in an infant bathtub. Offer to cook dinner or pay for take-out. Arrange to do dishes, laundry, housecleaning, yard work, or car washing. Once you make the offer, follow through. Don’t wait for new parents to ask for help. Parents will appreciate having more than one; they’re handy holders for babies while feeding, sleeping, or playing. Some models include vibrating motion, toys, or music. Or consider a gift certificate to a spa, beauty salon, house cleaning service, or clothing store. Unless you’re sure she’ll welcome it, don’t give a membership to a gym, and forget about books unless they’re about baby care. She won’t have much time for reading! If you do give clothing, be sure to leave the tags on, and provide a gift receipt so that your gift can be returned or exchanged. Better yet, give a gift certificate. Or consider practical, inexpensive clothing options like cute onesies for twins.