A portable filing bin that accommodates hanging filesA hanging file for each child2 additional hanging files10-inch by 13-inch envelopes

Take Action/Sign: This folder will be for forms that need to be signed like permission slips that need to be returned, teacher requests, PTA announcements, and flyers about events that need to be added to your calendar. Short-Term Storage: This file is for forms or information that you don’t need to keep forever but will need to refer to at some point in the near future. For example, information on an upcoming field trip that includes a list of what your child is to bring or an upcoming school carnival flyer. Long-Term Storage (One Label For Each Child’s Name): This folder is for each child’s special papers, progress reports, test scores, awards, certificates, or programs from school plays or musical events. As you get used to the system, you can move it to another spot that is better suited for sorting and storing the papers each day.  Teach your kids​ to organize their paperwork themselves. Have them take out their homework and hand over the paperwork you need to check out. Review the take action/sign file daily. Each evening, review the papers in the take action/sign file. Sign all forms and permission slips and put them in your child’s backpack. Add any new meetings, concerts or events to your calendar. Once this is done, either file the form in the short-term storage file for future reference or recycle it. Review the short-term storage file regularly. Review the papers in the short-term storage file on an as-needed basis. On the day of the field trip, you’ll know right where to find the flyer with details and instructions. Once the event has come and gone, throw the form in the recycling bin. Keep things to save in the long-term file. Anything you want to save goes in each child’s long-term file. Store the envelopes in a drawer or bin. You now have the special papers, awards, and certificates for each child organized by school year without any extra work. Stick with this system so that paperwork clutter doesn’t take over your home again.