Step 1: Before You Start

You can make this project your own by adapting it to your situation and your tastes. Consider these options:

Choose a veneer material and stain to match your décor. Select different moldings.Make the top of solid wood, or tile it. Change the overall size.Change the shelf spacing. If you make shelves with varying heights, taller shelves generally look best at the bottom.

Step 2: A Matter of Size

The location and use of your bookshelf will determine the dimensions of the shelves. For paperbacks, 9" of height may be sufficient in shelves that are 8" or 9" deep. For hardbound books, 12" height by 10" depth are good starting points, although art books may need even more room. The materials listed in the table will make a bookcase 29 1⁄4" high × 54 1⁄2" wide (plus twice the width of the edge molding, 1 1⁄4" in this example), with two 12" high × 11" deep shelves. Depending on what you will be putting on the shelves, shelves longer than about 24" need the shelf support. The support looks better if it’s recessed slightly behind the shelves, which are, in turn, recessed behind the sides. Once you’ve determined the size of all parts, prepare a plywood cutting layout. The bookshelf shown needed considerably less than one 4’ × 8’ sheet of plywood.