The disease is spread through contact with an infected cat. It can be spread by a bite or scratch or from contact with cat saliva on broken skin or mucosal surfaces like the nose, mouth, and eyes, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Generally, after a scratch or bite from a cat, some pimples will form around the wound as it heals, around 3–14 days after the skin is broken. If you suspect your child may have cat scratch disease, contact a healthcare provider immediately. Keep an eye out for the following warning signs:

Bump (papule) or blister (pustule) at the site of scratch or bite Fatigue Fever  Headaches Overall discomfort  Swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the upper body

Less common symptoms may include:

Loss of appetiteSore throatWeight loss


In people who are otherwise healthy, cat scratch fever is not usually serious, and does not generally require treatment. Cat scratch disease usually goes away on its own within two to four months. Typically, people are only tested for cat scratch fever only if the condition is severe and the healthcare provider suspects infection based on the patient’s symptoms. A physical exam followed by a simple blood test, called The Bartonella henselae IFA blood test, is often enough to diagnose the infection. And most people with a healthy immune system recover from the disease fully on their own. However, treatment can sometimes include a course of antibiotics.

How to Prevent Cat Scratch Fever

Your best bet is to keep your cat (especially if it’s a kitten) away from your child. Or, at the very least, curb any vigorous play between the two. It’s never too early to teach kids not to tease or provoke pets, especially when the animals are eating or sleeping. Flea control is also important because fleas appear to be how cats pass the bacteria to each other (though not to humans). Children should always wash their hands with soap and water after playing with cats and other pets.

When to Call a Doctor

While cat scratch fever generally goes away on its own, it’s still important to keep a close eye on the area where the scratch or bite occurred and monitor your child’s symptoms in the days that follow. Call a healthcare provider if your child experiences more serious symptoms including:

FatigueHigh feverRedness surrounding the woundSwollen or painful lymph nodes

A Word From Verywell

While cat scratch fever usually isn’t dangerous, it’s still a good idea to take precautions to prevent it. If you or a loved one is bitten or scratched by a cat, clean the wound well and look for fever, swelling around the wound, and other signs of serious complications. Although it’s rare, cat scratch fever can cause serious health complications in some people. Children around the ages of 5-14 and people with compromised immune systems are especially vulnerable. Always contact a physician with questions or concerns after a pet scratch or bite.

What should you do if a cat scratched your baby?

If your child is bitten or scratched by a cat, clean the area with soap and water. If it’s bleeding, apply pressure until the bleeding stops and cover with a clean bandage. Contact a healthcare provider if your child is showing signs of infection including fatigue, high fever, or swelling or blistering near the would.

How long does cat scratch fever last?

In otherwise healthy people, cat scratch fever usually goes away on its own with two to four months.

How common is cat scratch fever?

Cat scratch fever is not common, and when it does occur, most cases are mild. Younger children and people with compromised immunity are most at risk for serious complications.

What causes cat scratch fever?

Cat scratch fever, or cat scratch disease, is caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. It’s transmitted to humans through a bite or scratch from a cat carrying the bacteria.