If you’re the parent of a sick child, you’re most likely visiting many local pharmacies and stores only to find bare shelves and scarce supplies. You’re not alone. The so-called ’tripledemic’ of RSV, flu, and COVID-19 is creating a supply and demand issue for the popular brands Tylenol and Motrin, along with other pain relievers. You might be wondering what you can do when over-the-counter medication is hard to find.

Children’s Pain Relievers in Short Supply

Anecdotal accounts from parents and caregivers detail a concerning lack of the children’s pain and fever medication acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The Food & Drug Administration is not currently reporting a shortage of these medications. But as of November 30, 2022, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) lists shortages of prescription liquid ibuprofen. In a statement to Verywell Family, drugmaker Johnson & Johnson says they are experiencing high demand for its popular brands Tylenol and Motrin, but there isn’t a widespread shortage. The company cites the “extremely challenging” cold and flu season. “We recognize this may be challenging for parents and caregivers, and are doing everything we can to make sure people have access to the products they need,” the statement from Johnson & Johnson says. “[That includes] maximizing our production capacity, running our sites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and continuously shipping out products. We will continue to partner with retailers to provide these products to consumers.” The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) acknowledges parents may have to visit more than one location to find what they need. In a press release, they are cautioning parents against buying more pediatric painkillers than they need. “We want to further reiterate the importance of responsible purchasing practices,” the CHPA says. “Media coverage surrounding this issue could prompt parents to stock up if a product shortage is perceived or feared—which could eventually cause widespread supply shortages for U.S. consumers.”

Unprecedented Early Rise in Respiratory Viruses

Chances are you’ve already heard about the so-called ’tripledemic’ referring to three major viruses all circulating at the same time. According to Yale Medicine, RSV cases started hitting record levels early in the fall, which isn’t usually seen until December or January. But they say, those cases seem to be leveling off. So in comes the flu and COVID. Those case are on the rise as we head into winter. On December 21, 2022, the Biden Administration announced it is releasing doses of Tamiflu from the Strategic National Stockpile to respond to the high demand. States can now request supplies of the prescription medication from the Department of Health and Human Services. Masking and distancing during the COVID pandemic resulted in an impressive drop in the transmission of seasonal respiratory viruses among both children and adults. The extended quarantine period also shielded many children from viruses they would have caught during school. “Children born during the pandemic were not exposed to these viruses at all, until now,” says Hillary O’Boyle, MD, a board-certified pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. “Their immune systems were ’naive’ to these viruses, which means they had not yet built any immunity to them.” She went on to say parents were also not likely to have been exposed during pregnancy, so young babies were born with less protection from antibodies against these viruses than what is typical. As these babies are being exposed to these viruses for the first time, it is hitting them harder because their immune systems are less prepared. Additionally, children are getting several of these viruses at the same time, leading to more severe illnesses.

What Alternatives Do Parents Have For Kids Pain Relief?

Generic children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen is just as good as the name brand, and it may be slightly easier to find. Dr. O’Boyle recommends if the child is acting okay and is able to drink, the height of the temperature does not matter much.  “Fever doesn’t necessarily require treatment if the child is not in pain and is still able to stay hydrated,” says Dr. O’Boyle. “Encourage plenty of fluids, and try cooling methods such as a cold washcloth or a fan.” It’s also an important reminder for parents to remember that fever is the body’s response to infection—it’s working to fight it off. “It is not necessarily a bad thing or something we need to be afraid of unless it is leading to significant discomfort or dehydration in the child,” adds Dr. O’Boyle.  Substituting one kind of medication for another isn’t the right answer either. “Parents should not buy traditional combination cough and cold medications for young children without checking with a medical professional first," says Christine Cadiz, PharmD, health sciences clinical associate professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. “Many of these contain products that should not be used for young kids.” Adult medication should never be given to children without first consulting with your child’s pediatrician or healthcare provider. “[You need] to ensure correct doses are given and that the product is not harmful to kids,” says Dr. Cadiz. “Be sure NOT to give Aspirin in kids as a substitute for acetaminophen or ibuprofen.” For older kids who can swallow pills, parents can try purchasing tablets or gel capsules as long as they are using the correct dose, Dr. Cadiz advises. These versions of pain relief may be easier to find. For younger kids, chewable versions may be available if liquid acetaminophen or ibuprofen is out of stock.  If you’re desperate to help ease your child’s pain asking a friend or neighbor if they have any liquid pain relievers is also a good option. “While prescription medications should not be shared with others, it would be okay to ask a friend if they have ibuprofen or acetaminophen that can be used, especially when needed to relieve a fever," Dr. Cadiz adds. “Of course, parents should call their pediatrician if there are signs of serious illness.” There are some home remedies you can also try to ease your child’s symptoms. A lukewarm bath or cool compresses can help relieve fever. Sore throats can be soothed with warm water and honey, popsicles, throat numbing sprays, or cough drops. Steamy showers can help with relieving the discomfort of congestion.