Making a mobile of your family is an unusual way for your child to share the people who are important in her life. Materials needed:· Construction paper· Scotch tape· Glue stick· Markers· Yarn or thin cord· Family photos (duplicates or color Xerox)· Glitter, buttons, other decorative items (optional)· Wire coat hanger· One pencil· Paper punch

What to do: Step One: Cut out approximately 6 to 8 shapes (a circle, triangle, square, diamond) from different colors of the construction paper. All should be approximately 4 inches wide. Step Two: Cut out the photos of each family member. Glue one photo on each shape. Be sure to include your child as a family member, too! Step Three: Using the markers, your child (or you) can write the names of each family member below his or her photo. Then, write a word that describes each family member (i.e., Grandma/kind) on the back of each shape. Step Four: Decorate each shape with glitter, markers, and other items. Step Five: With yarn, tie the pencil to the middle of the long wire of the coat hanger so that it hangs down. Step Six: Using the paper punch, make a hole in each shape. Be careful not to cut the photo! Step Seven: Thread a piece of yarn through the hole in each shape. Tie the shapes to the long wire of the coat hanger, arranging them around the hanging pencil. Then attach a shape to the pencil, in the center of the mobile. Now, find a nifty place to hang your child’s family mobile!