Eating Healthy is on almost every adult’s New Year’s Resolution wish list, accompanied by a resolution to feed your family healthier. As far as resolutions go, it can be one of the easiest to keep. After all, it’s not that specific of a goal, and after a few weeks of consciously making healthier choices, these choices become habits. Especially if those choices are simple, sustainable, and easy to remember. The most important rule to keep in mind when feeding yourself and your family on your journey to eating healthy comes from chef and author Michael Pollan, author of Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” These seven words can guide you to make better food choices for yourself and your family. Another of his rules, “When you eat real food, you don’t need rules”, underscores his idea that eating doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s easy to guide your family toward eating healthy when you keep the idea of offering them “real” food in mind. Here are 15 tips to help you make healthier, smarter choices for yourself and your family to create better eating habits for life.

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