One Congressional report estimated that as many as one in five schools has unsatisfactory air quality. Some children can suffer reactions to anything from chemicals used for cleaning or bug control to mold caused by leaky roofs. Many factors contribute to bad air in schools: construction of tightly sealed buildings, reduction of ventilation to save energy, lack of maintenance, and use of synthetic building materials and furnishings, to name a few.

How to Diagnose an Unhealthy Building

The tricky thing about contaminated air is that it may produce symptoms in just a small percentage of students and staff, so the cause may go unnoticed. If your child frequently has symptoms similar to a cold, an allergy, or the flu—and if your doctor has eliminated other causes—watch your child to see if the problem clears up on the weekends. Another sign is when people with asthma or allergies have more reactions to these conditions when they are inside the school building than outside it. If you suspect the problem is at school, contact the principal and request an air quality test. If school officials don’t respond to your concerns about school air contamination, canvas other parents or faculty to find out if others are having symptoms. If they are, you can raise the issue as a group with your parent-teacher organization.

Pesticides in School

Because their young bodies are still developing, children are more susceptible than adults to harm from pesticides and other lawn-care products. Some schools are employing firms that use safer alternative pest control methods. Find out what precautions your school takes.


Many schools still contain asbestos because it once was used so widely in insulation, ceiling tiles, and other building materials and it’s not easy to get rid of. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that schools containing this hazardous air pollutant have regular inspections and file reports on the results. The reports are available to the public. Removal of asbestos is considered the last resort. It’s costly and must be done by experts because of the danger in handling the material. The alternative is regular observation and maintenance or, if necessary, containment. The EPA has issued guidelines for schools to use when dealing with asbestos.

Unsafe Drinking Water

Occasionally, schools are found to have contaminants such as lead in the drinking water. Lead pipes in older buildings can be one of the culprits. All schools should have their water tested periodically.