The best way to get started is to get the whole family revved up. Make a big deal about a new game and set a family “game night.” If you call a “family togetherness night,” you may hear some grunts and groans, but if everyone knows it’s a night for fun, they’ll realize togetherness is par for the course. Admittedly, it’s hard to play games during the week. After all, there are meals to prepare, dishes to wash, laundry to be folded and put away, homework to be completed, phone calls to return … the list goes on and on. So I recommend weekends for family togetherness and game playing. What could be better on a Friday night than cleaning up after dinner and setting up a board game right on the dinner or dining room table? Choose your seats, get some snacks, and start rolling the dice or dealing out the deck. You can even just grab a pizza on the way home from the office, so you don’t have to worry about making dinner before the games begin.