Observe for signs of shock, a concussion, or a skull fracture. Position the victim so he or she is immobile, in order to prevent further damage to both the brain and the spinal cord. Treat scalp cuts and wounds for bleeding to avoid infection.

If you’re in a situation where you need to provide help to a person who has experienced a severe head injury, take care to lend the following first aid: If the person you’re helping has been knocked unconscious by the head injury, do not be surprised if she is in a highly agitated state when she becomes conscious. People who have been unconscious don’t just open their eyes and yawn—contrary to what you see in Hollywood movies. They usually shake their heads and kick their feet, and they might pull at tubes that are hooked up to them. And, more than likely, they won’t have a clue as to where they are or what happened—or even who you are sitting in the corner with tears in your eyes. The longer a person is unconscious, the more agitated he or she may be upon recovery. Believe it or not, this is a characteristic you want to see. Agitation implies brain activity. Because the injured person is moving, shaking, and acting up, you know that she is alive and that the brain is functioning. Try to keep the person calm and still until medical help arrives. On the other hand, if the injured person doesn’t move when she wakes up, or if her eyes stay focused in the distance, the head injury has probably caused damage to the brain.