What Kids Should Learn in Health Children continue to learn about their bodies – for example, “What happens when I lose my teeth?” They also participate in and enjoy a variety of physical activities; learn how to describe pain and symptoms of illness; continue to gain understanding of nutrition and the importance of promoting health; learn about drugs and their effects; learn something about the sources of food; examine safety rules – for the playground, automobiles, and the street as well as fire safety rules – and learn something about the purpose of each rule; meet professional health workers; study growth and development by graphing their own growth and by observing the growth of plants and animals; observe babies and young children; meet with older people. Reprinted from 101 Educational Conversations with Your Kindergartner – 1st Grader by Vito Perrone, published byChelsea House Publishers Copyright 1994 by Chelsea House Publishers, a division of Main Line Book Co. All rights reserved.