Baking Soda

Two tablespoons of baking soda in a warm bath will help heal diaper rash and lessen the redness associated with diaper rash. You don’t need to rub the area. Just let baby soak a little longer than usual in the bath, about 10 minutes, and wipe with a soft washcloth as you would normally during bath time.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

As little as a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar, such as Bragg’s Raw Organic version, diluted with a half cup of water can help heal baby’s diapering irritation. Just apply a little to a washcloth and pat on the baby’s clean bottom. Let the area dry and diaper as usual. After a few days, the area should be less red and softer than before. If the rash is severe, this may sting baby a little, so be gentle.

Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt, with no added sugar or cornstarch, is a great natural skin moisturizer that can help heal diaper rash. Simply use it as you would a diaper cream.

Use Washcloths Instead of Wipes

Another way to prevent irritation in the diaper area is to switch from using wipes to using baby washcloths with plain water. Sometimes baby wipes can irritate the skin because of preservatives used in the solution in many wet wipes. By using plain water after diapering, you allow the baby to get some relief from the solution. The baby may dry faster using plain water applies to washcloths as well, which will also help heal the rash.

Air Dry

One of the main causes of diaper rash is the lack of air circulating around your infant’s bottom. You can remedy this by letting them go dry, clean, and diaperless several times a day after a rash appears. First, make sure the room is warm enough, then lay down a waterproof tablecloth or mattress cover on the floor. Cover this with a soft, washable blanket and let baby play for about half an hour. If you do this a few times a day for three to five days this should help speed healing.