Negative Impacts

People who are or were bullies are more likely to drop out of school than their peers. They are at increased risk of experiencing depression, anxiety disorder, and psychological distress, especially if they face up to the seriousness of their bullying behavior. Bullies are more likely to abuse tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. They are more likely than their peers to engage in early sexual activity.

Increased Risk of Problems With the Law

Being a bully as a child or teen increases the odds of future run-ins with the law. Former bullies tend to have more traffic violations and four times the rate of criminal behavior than their non-bullying peers. Research has found that 60% of children who bullied other children in grades 6 through 9 had at least one criminal conviction by age 24 and 35. Studies have also shown that former bullies are also more likely to carry weapons than non-bullies and may develop an antisocial personality disorder.

Bullies Carry Relationship Problems Into Adulthood

Being a bully in childhood seems to impact a person’s home life as an adult. Former bullies tend to have problems with long-term relationships and may be abusive toward both their spouses and children. They also have a harder time securing and maintaining employment than people who were not bullies. People who had been bullies are more likely to have children who become bullies themselves, thus beginning the cycle all over again.

Research Into the Effects

Extensive research has studied the effects of bullying on victims, while new research on the perpetrators themselves is emerging. Also, there are a significant number of bullies who are also victims of bullies. This also brings to mind the question of whether cyberbullies will have the same negative consequences as traditional “real-world” bullies, but since this is a relatively new phenomena more research is still needed.

Warning Signs That Your Child Is Bullying Others

Being a bully may have negative consequences throughout your child’s life. If you look for signs that he is engaging in this behavior, you may be able to help your child stop bullying.

A Word From Verywell

Bullying behavior may be a sign that your child needs help to develop coping mechanisms and appropriate relationships with others. If you can intervene to end bullying behavior and help your child develop better social skills, it will benefit your child for the rest of their life.

Gets into physical and verbal altercationsAre friends with other children who are bulliesShows signs of becoming increasingly aggressiveFrequently has disciplinary problems at schoolBlames others rather than taking responsibility for their own actionsIs very competitive and focused on popularity