Is a Belly-Only Pregnancy Possible?

Yes, a belly-only pregnancy is possible, and for someone already in great physical shape, a great goal, but don’t stress if you gain some extra pounds. Pregnancy weight gain is normal, expected, and healthy. Different body types gain and store fat in certain areas of the body. The most important goal is to gain a healthy amount of weight, about 25-35 pounds, and keep your body trim and fit.

Distribution of Weight During Pregnancy

Weight gain is a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. Assuming you start your pregnancy at a healthy weight, here is the average distribution:

Baby = 7.5 pounds Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds. Blood = 4 pounds Body fluids = 4 pounds Breasts = 2 pounds Fat, protein, and other nutrients = 7 pounds Placenta = 1.5 pounds. Uterus = 2 pounds

Benefits of a Belly-Only Pregnancy

Staying in shape while expecting will help you look and feel your best. And it isn’t just a confidence boost! Maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight helps control your blood sugar, results in fewer aches and pains, and helps you get better sleep. Labor and delivery may be easier too. Obese women are more likely to have large babies, which could result in an emergency C-section. Additionally, keeping a healthy weight while pregnant helps you lose weight faster later. This is because you naturally shed pregnancy weight, especially if you breastfeed. However, getting back to your average weight after pregnancy will be more challenging if you put on unnecessary weight.

Do You Need to Watch Your Weight While Pregnant?

Eating for two does not mean that you need to double your calorie intake. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women only need an additional 300-400 calories daily (600 for twins). On the contrary, excessive weight gain is dangerous for your unborn baby. Putting on too many pounds puts you at risk for birth complications like early delivery, C-section, and excessive postpartum bleeding.

Your Guide To a Belly-Only Pregnancy

Trimester 1

The start of pregnancy is not always comfortable. Many women experience morning sickness and food aversions. Therefore, working out and strict diets may not feel like a high priority. First of all, you will probably not have the energy to exercise, nor will you be able to stomach much. Secondly, you will want to avoid overheating your body, which can affect fetal development during the first trimester. However, despite the lack of energy and possible food aversions engaging in light physical activity and healthy eating in early pregnancy sets the stage for good habits for the duration of your pregnancy.

Exercise Tips for the First Trimester

Avoid bouncing and jumping Avoid high contact sports Take time to stretch, warm up, and cool down Stay hydrated Go to specific prenatal classes Yoga Pilates Low-impact aerobics Swimming

Eating Tips for the First Trimester

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Avoid eating sugary foods in excess. Take your prenatal vitamins. Eat lots of healthy foods Whole grains Fruits & veggies Lean proteins

To sum it up, take things slowly during the first trimester. Eat whatever you can keep down, and skip the vigorous exercise. Taking walks may be the best workout for you, and the fresh air may even ease your nausea. Check out this printable list of the dos and don’ts of exercise during pregnancy for your complete guide.

Trimester 2

The second trimester comes with renewed energy and relief from morning sickness. As a result, your appetite will probably come back full force, complete with cravings. Your returned appetite may prompt you to overeat and indulge. The second semester is the time you need to start eating extra calories, approximately 350 calories a day, but don’t go overboard because you could end up putting on extra weight you don’t need. Take advantage of the extra spring in your step by getting back into a workout routine. Try to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four days per week. Focus on training that tones your arms, legs, and butt. It is best to stick with activities that you have already done pre-pregnancy. This is not the time to start a new exercise regime or try a new sport for the first time.

Exercise Tips for the Second Trimester

Walking is an excellent form of exercise during pregnancy Prenatal yoga Stationary cycling Low impact cardio Stay hydrated Wear loose, comfortable clothing Rest when needed

Eating Tips for the Second Trimester

Aim for 5-6 small meals a day Choose dense proteins and full-fat dairy Continue taking prenatal vitamins as directed by your healthcare provider Avoid empty sugary carbs, stick with whole grains Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Trimester 3

The final weeks of pregnancy can feel cumbersome; the baby grows rapidly, and your pregnant belly will pop if it hasn’t already. Your energy levels will likely start to slow down as your belly becomes cumbersome. And you may experience an uptick in heartburn, fatigue, back pain, and leg and going cramps, which makes exercising more difficult. As your baby grows, your stomach will have less room, so eating several small, dense meals during the day is vital in the third trimester. In addition, keep hydrated and eat inflammation-reducing foods like fennel and turmeric, so you don’t retain excess water weight. You may consider using CBD oil for inflammation. Read here for medical advice on whether it is safe to use CBD oil during pregnancy. Continue your workout routine, slowing it down and adjusting as needed. Try to avoid becoming sedentary, which can result in increased blood pressure, extra weight gain, and trouble sleeping. If nothing else, take walks if your regular exercise is no longer possible. Focus on getting enough sleep during the third trimester. Sleep deprivation will spike your cortisol. This increases your appetite and decreases your reasoning skills. That is a recipe for an ice cream binge-fest. Plus, not getting enough sleep also puts your body into survival mode, which slows down metabolism.

Exercise Tips for the Third Trimester

Walking Swimming Pelvic exercises to increase the strength of your pelvic floor Take frequent breaks Stay hydrated Engage in gentle stretching and yoga

Eating Tips for the Third Trimester

1000 mcg of calcium per day Fresh fruits and veggies Whole grains Avoid alcohol and caffeine Avoid spicy and greasy food if you’re suffering from heartburn.

What NOT to do to Manage Pregnancy Weight Gain

While the desire to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy probably comes from a good place, if you’re not careful, your attempts to manage your weight could affect your ability to deliver a full-term healthy baby. If you are not gaining weight or are experiencing weight loss during your pregnancy, you should speak with your doctor. Underweight women are more likely to deliver preterm, have a baby with low birth weight, suffer from preeclampsia, and require surgical and obstetric interventions and possible maternal mortality during delivery. You should never take any supplements or vitamins without the express consent of your physician. This is because certain medications and supplements could result in congenital abnormalities or birth defects. A final caution is to avoid over-exercising or trying new sports and activities. All pregnancy exercises should be low-impact, and classes should be geared explicitly towards pregnancy. Make sure to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, take breaks as needed, and stay hydrated.

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