The thing about teasing, however, is that it can quickly turn into bullying, especially with little kids who don’t necessarily know how to stop a situation from spiraling out of control.

Why Kids Tease

The preschool years are ones of great growth and development, particularly in the language area. As your child adds new words to their repertoire and increases their interactions with others, they begin to understand that some phrases carry greater weight and cause more of a reaction (good or bad) than others. This is an important lesson to learn, but one that often leads to teasing. If a certain saying (“You’re a baby!”) causes someone else to get upset, a preschooler may appreciate the extra attention. Kids also tease because it is simply what they are used to. If a child comes from a home where teasing and sarcasm are the norm, or if they watch a lot of television programs where the characters have barbed tongues, it’s likely that the child will model the behavior and take it on as their own.

What to Do If Your Child Is Being Teased

Short of following your preschooler around and taking control of all their social interactions, you cannot stop them from being teased. But you can help them cope.

Let Them Know You Understand

Sometimes, for a child, just hearing from a parent that they can relate to what is going on and that you are going to help them figure out how to solve this problem is a big relief. Talk out what has been going on. Even if you have seen the teasing in action or heard a version of the story from a teacher or caregiver, find out your child’s perspective on it. Knowing how your child views what is going on will help you decide how to approach the situation and come up with an appropriate solution.

Empower Your Child

While it would be incredibly easy (and let’s face it, liberating) for you to march over to the child or children who are teasing your little one and let them have it, that’s probably not the best idea. Instead, equip preschoolers with the tools they need to stand up for themselves. Teach them to say something like, “I don’t like it when you say that!” or “Please stop teasing me now.” Often a child who teases isn’t expecting the person they are teasing to stand up for themselves, so a simple, strong response often works wonders. Walking away is another technique that is very effective in quieting preschool-aged teasers.

Teach Them That It’s Fine to Ask for Help

Some kids have no problem being assertive and speaking up and letting everyone within hearing distance know that they’ve been wronged. Others shy away, afraid of being labeled a tattletale. If your child is constantly being teased by someone else, tell her it’s OK to ask a grown-up for assistance. If you have confirmed or suspect your child is having issues at preschool or daycare, then it is a good idea for you to ask for help as well. Talk to the teacher. Try to get a handle on what is going on and find out what you can do on your end to help your child.

Make Sure There Is No Teasing at Home

A child who is being teased at school or daycare will probably not take too kindly to the same thing going on at home, whether it is you or a sibling doing the jesting. Right now your little one needs a supportive environment. Any ribbing—even good-natured—could be met with an outbreak of emotion and/or cause your child additional stress.

What to Do If Your Child Teases Others

You’ve just watched your little one tease someone else, or it’s been reported to you that your child has been teasing a classmate. Now what?

Evaluate Things at Home

How do you interact with your child? Are you a teaser yourself? No one is saying that harmless teasing between parent and child is awful, but make sure you aren’t taking it too far. Is your preschooler being teased by an older sibling or relative and carrying the behavior over to someone else? What kind of television programs is your child watching?

Try to Figure Out Why

There are myriad factors as to what could cause a child to tease another. Try to get to the root of the issue. Is your child jealous of the other child? If it’s a sibling issue, are the kids competing for your attention? You can even try asking your child what is making them act this way. Understand, too, that major life changes, such as the birth of a new sibling or parents that are going through a divorce, could be causing your child to act out.

Explain Why Teasing Is Hurtful

Whatever the reason your child is teasing someone else, the reality is that this is a behavior that needs to stop. Have a talk with your preschooler about how teasing can be hurtful. Ask them to imagine being in the shoes of someone being teased. How would they feel if someone said mean words to them?

A Word From Verywell

Although it might be very tempting, punishing your child for teasing is not the answer. The goal is to teach them healthier, more adaptive, and socially appropriate skills. They learn not through punishment, but by you modeling and teaching the desired behavior. If you are triggered by your child’s behaviors because you were teased as well, find your calm, take a step back, and speak to your child about what is going on. Remaining calm and connected will be much more beneficial than overreacting and over-correction.