Important Social Skills

Skill: Is starting to discriminate between fact, fiction and fantasy. Why It’s Important: First graders are learning how to be part of a social group, as opposed to being the singular center of attention, a relationship which, at this age, tends to rely heavily on perceived credibility. Knowing when to tell the truth, when to stick to a story for play purposes, or when to admit she’s making something up will play an important role in your child’s ability to develop and maintain friendships. Skill: Relates well to encouragement for acceptable behaviors. Many teachers refer to this as their students were “caught being good.” Why It’s Important: In first grade, students begin to notice other children’s behavior and adult reactions to the behavior. Students who work toward being praised instead of simply reacting to discipline are less likely to be feared or ostracized by their peers. This skill also helps students internally regulate behavior instead of relying on outside consequences to letting them know if something is acceptable or inappropriate. Skill: Begins to step outside of self to see things from another’s point of view. Why It’s Important: Although this skill is really just emerging at this age, it plays an important role in both peer relationships and academics. Being able to see that other children have their own point of view helps students to begin problem-solving misunderstandings as they arise in the classroom and on the playground. This skill also allows students to delve deeper into their reading and writing, providing the ability to make predictions and find deeper meaning beyond the words. Skill: Finds security in rules, routines, organized play, and group activities. Why It’s Important: A classroom is a global community, the core of which are rules, group work and a sense of routine. This skill emerges just as students need to learn how to work together to create a peaceful community and solve problems—both social and academic.

A Word From Verywell

In first grade, your child will be learning physical skills and cognitive skills as well as developing her social skills. Remain aware of signs of trouble during this important time. Get the assistance your child may need to reach her full potential.