However, the use of a fetal doppler is not recommended for non-medical purposes. Learn more about the potential appeal and risks of using a fetal doppler at home.

Reasons for Using a Fetal Doppler at Home

Some pregnant people may wonder if it Is home fetal doppler use okay in pregnancy. Pregnant people who use a fetal doppler at home often say that they wish to monitor their baby’s well-being and to reassure themselves that the baby is alive. This can be particularly desirable in the early weeks before the baby’s kicks can be felt. Parents who have experienced previous miscarriage or stillbirth may also be drawn to the perceived reassurance that a fetal doppler could provide. However, the use of these devices is not recommended for personal use. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against their use by laypeople. “Although there is a lack of evidence of any harm due to ultrasound imaging and heartbeat monitors, prudent use of these devices by trained health care providers is important,” says Shahram Vaezy, Ph.D., an FDA spokesperson and biomedical engineer.


While there is not believed to be any harm with occasional use by a medical professional, home fetal doppler use does not fall into this category. Many families use the doppler for much longer periods than they may experience with their practitioner and for more frequent uses — think once a day versus once a month at a prenatal visit. There are three common risks to home fetal doppler use:

Hearing the baby’s heartbeat and assuming the baby is fine, when other signs, like decreased fetal movement, truly need to be reported. In this case, its use may engender a false sense of security Misinterpreting the fetal heart rate Not hearing the baby’s heartbeat, even though the baby is fine, which can cause unnecessary worry

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) opposes home fetal doppler use, even when prescribed by an online physician.