Have Fun Together

Having fun together is one of the most important parts of your marriage. Your adult life as a married couple is filled with responsibility. The two of you deserve to have fun together. Every single week you and your spouse should spend fun time together. Schedule it on your calendar, along with all of your other appointments.

Make Each Day Count

It’s so important to make each day count with your spouse. Most people let days, weeks, or even months go by without letting their partner know how important he or she is to them. That won’t happen to you if you make a point of doing one nice thing a day for your spouse. Whether it’s something small, such as preparing a special meal, or something large, such as planning a surprise vacation together, you will be acknowledging the importance of your relationship on a regular basis. Even a small thing such as calling from work and saying “I love you,” can make his or her day special.

Don’t Take Each Other for Granted

Many people take their spouse for granted. Because they know that their partner will always be there for them, they don’t always take the time or make the effort to be as kind and thoughtful as they could be. But you can make your marriage better than that! If you treat your spouse with kindness all of the time, your relationship will be better than you ever dreamed!