Things that make noise found around the house: bells, beans, milk bottle tops, pan lids, bicycle horns, harmonica, spoons, chains, glass bottles, whistle, homemade drums, tambourine. See how creative you can be in the search.

The idea is for you to become the instrument. As you move around banging your knees together, wiggling your head, and shaking your feet, music will be made! Here are some ideas:

Mouth—blow a harmonica, whistle, glass bottle, recorder, or kazoo. Neck—hang bells, use string to hang a drum, xylophone, or tambourine. Under the arm—a bike horn tied to your upper arm so when you press your arm to your side a honking sound is made. Waist—drum, xylophone, small pots, or metal objects tied together. Elbow and wrist—tie on small bells. Hands—shaking a rattle, playing drums. Knees—tie things to clash against each other like foil plates, cymbals, saucepan lids, or small tins filled with dried beans. Ankles—tie bells, jingles, or a rattle.