Store materials for the upcoming school year grouped by student and by topic. Separate the materials that you will use from those used by your children. Make the materials that your kids will use easily accessible to them. When you organize the materials for a subject, keep any supplemental materials with the primary ones. Make sure that additional materials, such as special paper or tools, are also easily available when they will be needed. If the storage space in your classroom is limited, keep the materials you will need over the first couple of months in your active storage. Keep the other materials in your archive storage. As you move through the school year, you will need to shuffle materials so the materials you are using are readily available to you. Consider creating a catalog or listing of the materials you have. This is especially useful when you teach more than one child over a number of years. This list can help you keep your materials organized over a long period of time. Even after just a couple of years of homeschooling, you are likely to have quite a collection of materials and it can be hard to remember exactly what you have.

Looking for more homeschool help? Check out the Ultimate Homeschool Supply List According to a Former Elementary School Teacher.