What S Wrong With Hfcs

What and Where Is HFCS? HFCS is a sweetener and preservative that’s made by breaking down cornstarch into sugars. Part glucose and part fructose, it has the exact number of calories per gram as the sugar derived from cane or beets. Like table sugar, it offers nothing in the way of nutrition: no minerals, no vitamins, no fats or proteins, and no fiber. The food and beverage industries in the United States had good reasons to start using HFCS when it became available in the late 1960s....

January 10, 2023 · 2 min · 259 words · Lisa Tedrick

What Shall We Play

Consider all the game options. If there is a game that one family member really doesn’t like, but another person does, be fair and remove it from the options. Go through process of elimination until you come up with games that although everyone might not be totally excited about, they don’t mind playing. Put all the names of the games in a hat and have one family member pull the name out....

January 10, 2023 · 3 min · 547 words · Felicia Saenz

What To Do If Your Child Gets Covid 19

Thankfully, as has been the case throughout the pandemic, most children experience milder cases of COVID-19 than adults. As the Academy of American Pediatrics explains, this is still true even in light of the delta variant. While more children are contracting COVID-19 these days, the vast majority do not experience severe cases. Still, it’s very important to take COVID-19 seriously in children. If your child catches COVID-19, you’ll want to be able to recognize the signs and do your part in decreasing the chances of them spreading it to others....

January 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1624 words · Edwin Mondesir

What To Know About Strange Pregnancy Dreams

A variety of factors affect what we dream about and how well we recall our dreams. While strange dreams can be confusing and even disturbing at times, know that they are quite common when you’re pregnant. Causes of Unusual Dreams in Pregnancy Emotions, hormonal changes, and sleep disturbances all contribute to the weird dreams that pregnant people—and their partners—often experience. Here’s a closer look at the common causes of unusual dreams....

January 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1288 words · Nancy Ewing

What To Know About Your Baby S Sleep Sounds

But often those strange sleep sounds are unexpected. Few of us have been warned that our babies would spend half the night grunting, gurgling, sneezing, squeaking, and whimpering. The truth is that most babies don’t sleep very soundly or deeply at all—and can be quite noisy. Many go through periods where they toss and turn, fuss and cry, wake frequently, and make all kinds of strange sounds. All that sleepy movement and noise may seem a bit alarming—and not be ideal for your own sleep....

January 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1773 words · Marie Sutton

When Can I Hold My Premature Baby

There are many things to think about when deciding when a NICU baby is ready to be held. We know that when parents hold their babies—especially when doing kangaroo care—there are benefits for both parent and child. However, there are also risks when babies are held before they’re ready. When You Can Hold Your NICU Baby Once your baby meets these milestones or criteria, you will usually be able to hold them....

January 10, 2023 · 1 min · 72 words · Alan Almendarez

When Is A Fetus Viable Factors Affecting Viability

Many pregnant women, especially those who have previously experienced a pregnancy loss, anxiously await this milestone—and breathe a sigh of relief once they reach it. But pinpointing when a fetus is viable is complicated, and many factors affect premature infant survival and outcomes. Age of Viability How far how along a pregnancy is plays a major role in determining viability. The exact age of viability continues to pose somewhat of an ethical dilemma, particularly about when and how much intervention should be done as the earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of death and morbidity....

January 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1309 words · Diane Ealey

When To Get Breastfeeding Help And Where To Find It

When to Get Extra Breastfeeding Help If you experience any of the following 12 problems, call your doctor or lactation consultant as soon as possible to address the issue. You Had Difficulty Breastfeeding Another Child If you’ve tried breastfeeding in the past and it hasn’t gone smoothly, it can be stressful to think about trying again. You may be worried that you’ll run into the same issues, which is understandable. However, it’s still possible to breastfeed successfully this time around....

January 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1330 words · Willie Maclean

Why Cognitive Skill Milestones Are Important

Why Cognition Is Complex Cognition is more than just learning information. Instead, it’s the ability to think about new information, process it and speak about it. In addition, cognition involves the application of this new information to other, previously acquired information. As children mature, for example, they develop the ability to think on higher levels. They can process information more skillfully and make connections to other information more easily. In other words, their thinking skills get progressively better....

January 10, 2023 · 3 min · 508 words · Julie Crosby

Why Finding Out I Was Pregnant Again Was Anticlimactic

January 10, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Edwin King

Window Stenciling

Leaves in different shapes and sizes Masking tape Sponge Clothespins Tempera paint (orange, yellow, red, and brown), liquid Newspaper Directions

January 10, 2023 · 1 min · 20 words · Clara Turner

Wish Box Craft For Kids Printable

January 10, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Tiffany Fryberger

You Are 12 Weeks And 3 Days Pregnant

January 10, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · David Smith

You Are 21 Weeks And 5 Days Pregnant

January 10, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Charles Barnes

You Are 33 Weeks And 5 Days Pregnant

January 10, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Opal Hudson

Your Teen Daughter What About S E X

Where adolescents are getting most of their ill-informed answers are from the explicit treatment of sex on TV, in movies, records, and advertisements—as well as peers. They are aware of the risk of AIDS but not of other sexually transmitted diseases. Nor are they cognizant that they might incur surprising emotional consequences from becoming sexually active. Moms must take a proactive stance when it comes to sex. There are ample studies that show honest and early discussion of sex with Mom:...

January 10, 2023 · 1 min · 106 words · George Rodriquez

Greatest Dad Certificate Printable

January 9, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Tracy Villa

Metoo Talking To Your Child About Sexual Harassment

It’s gone viral. Across social media, women are sharing their stories of sexual harassment and assault. When you read those social media posts, you get a deeper understanding of how prevalent sexual harassment is. Even though many of these stories might have been from many years ago, sexual abuse and harassment are still happening today and it can happen anywhere and to anyone – including children. In fact, one in four middle school students say that they have experienced verbal or physical sexual harassment at school, according to a 2016 study by Science Daily....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 683 words · Alice Bartlett

10 Baby Sign Language Words To Teach Your Little One

Here are 10 baby sign language words care of The Mayo Clinic and Baby Sign Language.com that will come in handy until your infant is able to communicate verbally. Mama and Daddy What two words should she learn first that are more appropriate than the two people who care for and love her the most? Both words are similar. For mother, open your hand (fingers pointing up) and tap your thumb to your chin....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · 527 words · Kenny Romo

10 Foods To Increase White Blood Cells And Boost Immunity

White blood cells are a key part of the immune system. These disease-fighters circulate through the body to fight bacteria and viruses, working to slow or stop the illnesses that these germs can cause. So it’s important to eat nourishing foods, especially those with protein, vitamin B12, and folate, to help make sure your immune system has enough white blood cells to do its job. While no one food is a silver bullet for optimal immune system function, these have been studied for their potential positive effects, including increasing white blood cells and fighting inflammation (as antioxidants can)....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 772 words · Jeremy Castro