How To Be More Consistent With Your Children

January 7, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Linda Dargie

How To Care For Yourself When Your Baby Has Colic

If this feels familiar, it’s important that you pay attention to your own needs as well as your baby’s needs. Asking for help from friends and family and squeezing in some time for yourself will help you navigate this challenging postpartum experience. With understanding and a commitment to self-care, you and your baby will get through it. In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know about colic, including how you can care for your baby and for yourself....

January 7, 2023 · 9 min · 1898 words · Carletta Vanschoick

How To Help Teens With Anger Issues And Violence

They may surprise you with their newfound political ideas, their deep sense of loyalty to their friends, or their ability to compute advanced calculus. But when you tell them they can’t stay out past midnight, their behavior might feel like it’s reverting to toddlerhood. As difficult as it may feel, arguments and rebellion can be normal during the teenage years. Teens are finding themselves and becoming more independent, and that’s a good thing....

January 7, 2023 · 5 min · 1000 words · Eunice Espinosa

How To Help Your Children Become Better Writers

Preschool Give your children writing supplies, especially appealing markers. Put a chalk or dry erase board on the wall at your children’s eye level to encourage them to write. Write down the stories that your preschoolers tell you. Encourage your children to make birthday and greeting cards for friends and relatives. Put a wipe-off board up in the kitchen to serve as the family message center. Create a family newsletter to send to relatives or a Web page....

January 7, 2023 · 2 min · 217 words · Marjorie Stafford

How To Pass The Time In The Nicu

In the first hours or days that your baby is in the NICU, you’ll likely be so busy meeting the staff, talking to the nurses and doctors, learning about the equipment and your child’s condition, and worrying about your baby that the time may go by pretty quickly. However, if your baby has to stay in the NICU longer, the days of sitting and watching can begin to get difficult to take....

January 7, 2023 · 9 min · 1794 words · Jason Seibel

How To Respond When Your Child Says I Hate You

Your child saying they hate you doesn’t mean that you’re a bad parent—or that they’re a bad kid—either, says Andy Brimhall, PhD, LMFT, and professor of human development and family science at East Carolina University. Even the most loving, sweetest children sometimes say hurtful words like “I hate you” to their parents. “It can be really hard to hear your child use these words,” says Lindsey Polishook Sherer, LCSW-C LICSW....

January 7, 2023 · 11 min · 2299 words · Margaret Cirino

How To Spot Fake Friends In Your Life

Not only is a friendship with a fake friend unhealthy, but being associated with a fake friend often results in being bullied. Consequently, it is important that your kids can identify the characteristics of fake friendships. Here is a list of eight characteristics to review with your kids. If their friends have these traits, then it is time to start building some new relationships. Fake Friends Are Selfish Typically, a fake friend will only contact your child when they want or need something....

January 7, 2023 · 4 min · 811 words · Sarah Curry

How To Talk To Your Child About School Shootings

Many of today’s young people have grown up in a country where mass shootings—like those that happened at Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary, and Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School—are no longer unheard of. Not only are these tragedies at the forefront of their minds, but they also practice active shooter drills on a regular basis in their schools. We can’t shelter our kids and teens from learning about these tragic events, so it can be helpful for caretakers to be versed in ways to discuss it with their children....

January 7, 2023 · 8 min · 1601 words · Lisa Martin

How To Talk To Your Kids About The Covid 19 Vaccines

The pandemic has been a scary and often confusing time. Despite the potential risks, most schools maintained some form of in-person learning, if only part-time. Many of kids’ favorite activities, like sports and performing arts, were canceled. Officials urged folks to stay home for the holidays and avoid large groups. Guidance has often been tough to track, even for adults. For kids, these conflicting events can be even more difficult to process....

January 7, 2023 · 4 min · 852 words · George Oneill

How To Teach Your Kids What To Do If They Get Lost

We explore what your child needs to know should they ever get lost as well as what they should do in the moment. We also discuss how to put it all together in a safety plan that is appropriate for both you and your child. Read on to learn more about how to teach your child what to do if they get lost. What Your Child Needs to Know If They Get Lost While no one wants to imagine getting separated from their child—especially at a busy spot like a shopping mall, airport, or a water park—it is still important to consider the possibility and prepare your child as best you can....

January 7, 2023 · 7 min · 1416 words · Kelsey Stella

I Hear Thunder

January 7, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Michael Henry

Interpreting Faint Lines On A Pregnancy Test

If you had a dark line before and now you have a faint line, there could be several explanations for this, other than miscarriage. You may have consumed too much water prior to the test, or not enough. You may have accidentally used the test incorrectly, or something else in your urine may have interfered with the test. How a Pregnancy Test Works Home pregnancy tests are based on the detection of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in your urine....

January 7, 2023 · 4 min · 819 words · Chong Kort

Is It Ok To Tell Kids To Behave Because Santa Is Watching

The Elf on a Shelf’s constant surveillance serves as a physical reminder to children that Santa will know if they’ve been good or bad this year. And while there’s a good chance you can use Santa—and his elf—to your advantage, it may not be the best discipline strategy. But, it can be a fun and lighthearted way to get your kids’ attention. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, you might find you’re able to keep your kids in line by saying, “You’d better be good because Santa’s watching....

January 7, 2023 · 4 min · 681 words · Eleanor Weinberger

Is It Okay To Be Naked In Front Of Your Kids

Much like the relay races we did in elementary school, parenthood can be boiled down to similar categories like a 100-yard dash chasing after a toddler who has been asked, “What’s in your mouth?,” a three-legged race with your partner trying to keep the house from burning down on a casual Thursday afternoon, and sometimes life feels like a potato sack race with all your family members diving and crashing in one general direction, but with a clear lack of organization....

January 7, 2023 · 5 min · 1026 words · Helen Lau

Is It Still Legal To Get Abortion Pills Online Post Roe Ruling

What is a Medical Abortion? Medical abortions and surgical abortions are the two main methods most often used to terminate a pregnancy. A surgical abortion is performed in an office, health center, or hospital by a medical professional. During a surgical abortion, gentle suction is used to remove tissue from the uterus. This option is often more effective than a medication abortion and can be performed up to 23 weeks. The surgical route often involves a doctor administering local anesthesia and takes 3-4 hours per session....

January 7, 2023 · 7 min · 1488 words · Richard Soden

Is My Child Ready For Swimming Lessons

Remember that even after your child learns to swim well, he still needs full adult supervision in the pool and at the beach until he’s a teen, and even then he should only swim when a friend is around. Make sure that you or another adult who can swim is watching and listening in case of emergency. Keep in mind that toddlers may be more likely to swallow water during swim time, which might make them sick....

January 7, 2023 · 1 min · 155 words · Woodrow Camerano

Is Personality Genetic Personality Traits Kids Inherit

With the help of experts and researchers, we explore a child’s personality—is it really all genetics or does the environment (such as HOW and WHERE you are raised) play a major role? Let’s find out. More: Will My Child Be Athletic? A Genetic Explanation How Chromosomes Impact Personality “It’s very important to note that personality is considered a multifactorial trait, meaning many factors, both genetic and environmental, can come into play....

January 7, 2023 · 7 min · 1400 words · Chad Pinkerton

Ivf Success Rates Have Risen In The Past Decade

The data come from the Australia and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) report, which is funded by the Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) and contains data from the 95 IVF clinics that operate in the two countries. Preliminary data from the CDC suggests there were 330,773 ART cycles in 2019, resulting in nearly 78,000 live births. A Closer Look at the Findings The University of New South Wales (UNSW) medical researchers found that the live birth rate per initiated IVF cycle in women using their own eggs has increased by 18% overall, with the greatest improvements seen in older age groups....

January 7, 2023 · 4 min · 729 words · Donald Scott

Kat Medina Verywell Family

January 7, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Gary Arrington

Kids Relating To Adults

This awkwardness is generally called shyness, and almost all children are afflicted with it to some degree. You can help alleviate this painful stage by passing along some of the following tips. However, your child or any young person will be on the way to overcoming the curse of shyness if you can get these two basic ideas across: Everybody, regardless of age, is shy to some degree around new people or in unfamiliar surroundings....

January 7, 2023 · 2 min · 404 words · Brian Farris