Some people find out that they are going into labor when their water breaks. But, sometimes it’s the frequency of contractions that signals it’s time to call your doctor or midwife. Contractions feel different for everyone, but knowing a little about what to expect can ease your anxiety. We talked to 10 birthing parents around the country to hear about what labor and delivery really feels like. Whether you are expecting to have a vaginal birth or a planned C-section, their stories may help you mentally prepare to delivery your baby.

Angelina Greep

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I realized it was the beginning of the process when my water broke. The doctors used Pitocin to induce me since it was five weeks before my delivery date.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Labor felt like an uncontrollable urge to bear down repeatedly, which I did while laying in a hospital bed. It was not painful in a piercing way, but there was a lot of pressure coming from all muscles of my abdomen which was very uncomfortable and physically draining.

What Was It Like to Have a C-Section?

Having a C-section is surreal. The most intense moment was when I received anesthesia through a shot in my spine. You have to be relaxed to receive the shot, which was pretty difficult to do because, at this point, I was not medicated. After the shot took effect, I experienced a mind-body separation. The operation happened quite quickly. There was nice music playing and the doctors, who had done this many times, had a sort of precisely choreographed routine, which I found comforting. I couldn’t feel anything when my twins came out—I suddenly saw the doctor holding them. Once both were removed, they gave me one to hold, though I don’t remember which one it was. I remember I didn’t want to hold him for too long. I couldn’t feel my body from my neck down and I was afraid I would drop him. The medication they gave me was very strong so the whole experience was kind of a fog of nurses and family members guiding me. I didn’t feel like my normal self until about three days later.

Jessica Meredith

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I had contractions off and on for a few weeks. It was my third baby but I’d been induced twice so I wasn’t sure exactly how it would feel or how I would know. I ended up being induced again.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

The contractions really do feel like intense period cramps that build, climax, and then come down. The pain was intense.

What Was It Like to Push a Baby Out?

Pushing a baby out is such a relief! It burns without an epidural but also feels so great at the same time. You can’t resist the urge to push. I used a mirror and highly recommend that. It gave me so much perspective on what was happening. Seeing my baby’s head descend with each push really gave me the incentive to continue and work hard! Seeing your baby for the first time is amazing. It’s so cool to see someone’s first breath and life begin. I didn’t immediately fall in love with my babies though. I love them, but it took me a while for them to feel like “mine” and for us to bond.

Tori Sindorf

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I had my water break, so it was a pretty clear start for me. I was a week overdue, scheduled for an induction the next morning, and bouncing angrily on my yoga ball. I stood up and suddenly it was like a small water balloon popped between my legs. For me, labor was a very quick ramp-up from “normal with an occasional strong pressure” to “definitely not normal.” I knew things were getting real when I was fully aware of everything happening around me but felt apart from it. When I had to sit down for the nurse to examine me, the only way I could sit “still” was to shake my leg and hit my foot against the side of the bed. I noticed that my husband and the nurse started talking to each other about me, instead of talking to me.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Contractions felt like a huge squeeze around my midsection and a twisting, ripping, burning sensation deep within me. I couldn’t sit still, I felt like I needed to curl up into myself and thrash back and forth when they reached their peak.

What Was It Like to Push a Baby Out?

It was exhausting. I was extremely focused on the task at hand and I barely engaged with anything around me. (Although I do remember asking my husband early on if I pooped. He very nicely told me, “Just a little.”) I held my breath and pushed with all my might, and then collapsed while the team flipped me to my other side (the baby’s heart rate kept dropping, so they kept flipping me). The doctor coached me as her head started emerging and I felt as if my whole body would just pop like a big balloon. Once her head was out, the next contraction was a very surprising, wet slimy, fast “squish” as her body slid out in one big push. She was immediately plopped on my chest—and there was a wet, crying, wide-eyed baby on top of me.

Jennifer Standing

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I realized I was in labor only when my doctor told me I was in labor! I showed up to my appointment at 37 weeks and told her I had been cramping all night but thought that they were Braxton Hicks contractions. My OB asked to check me and I was at 7 centimeters! I had no idea.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Labor feels like a very intense low back cramp, similar to period pains. It felt like the only thing that would make it feel better was an enormous amount of counter-pressure.

What Did It Feel Like to Push a Baby Out?

Pushing a baby out is a very neat experience! I pushed for 19 minutes and had an epidural. Even with that, I was able to feel when he moved downward and came out.

Pauline Li

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I was feeling mild cramps that seemed to be occurring at regular intervals, so I started tracking them with a phone app. Within half an hour, the app was telling me that I should start heading to the hospital.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

At first, the contractions felt mild. Over the course of time, the strength of the contractions increased exponentially. It felt like my entire hip region was super tight. At one point, before being administered a late epidural, I was shifting in and out of consciousness with each contraction. I did not feel an urgency to push, though.

What Did It Feel Like to Push a Baby Out?

At the time, I did not feel anything, as I was administered an epidural. The doctor asked me to push as if I was constipated, and I complied.

Thalia Londgren

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I’ve given birth four times, and each time it’s been different!  During my first labor, I just felt miserable all day with irregular contractions. I didn’t actually think I was in labor since I had experienced false labor that felt similar a couple of weeks earlier. Later that afternoon my water broke, and things progressed quickly from there!  During my second labor, my water broke right when I woke up in the morning. I had very mild contractions for a few hours before my labor started progressing. Both my third and fourth labors started very similarly with regular contractions right away, and just a feeling that it was “time” right beforehand. 

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Most of my contractions felt like a painful tightening around my abdomen, along with a lot of pressure. Each contraction started gently at first and then built in intensity before tapering off near the end. I have read them being described as “waves” and I would say that’s an accurate description. 

What Was It Like to Push a Baby Out?

The physical aspect of pushing felt very natural to me, and like something that my body knew how to do after my first birth. During my first birth, I needed a lot of encouragement and direction from my doula, though. It’s much easier to lean into the pain of contractions and let your body do what it’s supposed to do, rather than trying to fight the pain. That’s something my doula really helped me to do and that has made my other births easier. 

Sarah Nelson

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I was induced for both of my labors.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Contractions felt like horrible, horrible menstrual cramps, but throughout my entire body. They also caused all of my muscles to tense up. They were a cross between nausea and pain.

What Does It Feel Like to Push a Baby Out?

Pushing a baby out is very exciting! I had an epidural with both my kids, so I didn’t feel any pain, just a feeling of stretching as the head came out. I remember that the baby’s body felt like a wet, wiggly pile of snakes when it slid out after the head was out.

Kayla Anderson

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

With both of my births, my water broke spontaneously with no prior signs of labor! With my first, I had to be given Pitocin because I wasn’t having contractions. With my second, the contractions hit immediately after.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Contractions are by far the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Like a period cramp times a thousand across your whole midsection.

What Was It Like to See Your Baby for the First Time?

Seeing my baby for the first time was truly the best moment of my life. She was born and they immediately placed her on my chest, and I sobbed tears of joy, disbelief, love, and relief. It was so emotional!

Rachel Ivy

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

With two of my births, the first sign of labor was my water breaking. For the other two, it was the labor contractions—faint at first, but they felt different than the Braxton Hicks contractions I’d been feeling for weeks earlier.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Braxton Hicks contractions felt like a tightening all over your belly. Real ones are similar, but they start out feeling like period cramps along with the tightening.

What Was It Like to Push a Baby Out?

When it got to the actual “I can see the baby” part of pushing a baby out my first time, it was a little scary because I was unprepared and didn’t know what to expect. But it was amazing. I got into the zone and was able to really visualize the work every contraction was doing. I allowed each one to open up the birthing canal and slide that baby right out. It was so empowering!

Tawny Cook

When Did You Realize You Were in Labor?

I was two days overdue and I had a membrane sweep at my doctor’s appointment to kick-start labor. Immediately, I started having contractions.

What Did Contractions Feel Like?

Contractions felt like extreme cramps. I only experienced them in my back and it felt like my muscles and bones were squeezing each other as tight as possible. It was hard to focus on anything else because it was so tense with such strong pressure.

What Did It Feel Like to Push a Baby Out?

Pushing my baby out felt like a huge release of pressure and instant pain relief. Seeing my baby for the first time is not explainable. He looked just the way I had envisioned.