Medicines among the most dangerous to children are pain relievers, cold and cough remedies, iron supplements (such as prenatal vitamins), and drugs commonly taken by older adults for heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure. When you dispose of medicine that has expired, be sure to place it in a waste bin to which your child won’t have access. Liquids or pills also can be flushed down the toilet. Patches worn to dispense medicine through the skin should not be tossed in a wastebasket where small kids might explore. Some children have been known to wear or chew used patches, and there could be enough medicine left to be harmful. Be careful when you give your child his own medicine. If you misread the label and give him two tablespoons rather than two teaspoons, he’s had three times more than the proper dose. Coordinate with your spouse or baby-sitter so you don’t duplicate his doses.

Plants and Wild Mushrooms

Plants not only can make your child sick, they also can cause choking if he chews off pieces of leaves. It’s best to keep indoor plants out of reach and to supervise your child carefully when he’s outside. Diffenbachia (also called dumbcane) and philodendron are two common houseplants that cause mouth pain and swelling if chewed. Children are especially attracted to flowers and berries. Keep them away from azaleas, rhododendron, oleander, and holly. When they are old enough, teach them how to handle and care for plants, not eat them. Much more dangerous are many wild mushrooms. These can pop up overnight, especially if there has been a lot of rainfall. Some can be fatal even in small amounts. Don’t let your child play around them, and don’t serve your children mushrooms you collect yourself unless they have been identified by an expert.

Other Poisons Around Your House

Cleaning supplies are dangerous, especially drain cleaners, which can cause chemical burns. Some other high-hazard substances are nail polish remover, paint thinner, gasoline, kerosene, antifreeze, and windshield washer solution. Pesticides and lawn chemicals can be toxic to humans. Don’t use products that require you to leave powder or pellets in the areas where your child plays. Follow the instructions carefully. When you buy art supplies for your child’s use, make sure the label states that the product complies with federal regulations for art materials used in homes with children. The label will say: “Conforms to ASTM D-4236.” If you have art supplies in the home for adult use, keep them stored in a locked cabinet.