Without paid maternity leave, many parents are left without many options. Aside from being a stay-at-home parent or having relatives watch your child, the two most popular childcare choices are enrolling your child in a daycare center or hiring a nanny to watch your child in your home. Evaluating the pros and cons of both options can help you make the decision that is best for your family.

Pros and Cons of Daycare

Both choices have positive and negative aspects, but it is most important that you find a childcare situation in which you are comfortable and where your baby will thrive. Daycare helps build social skills that can help your child in school and throughout life. It’s also cost-effective.

Benefits of Daycare

Here are some reasons you might lean toward a daycare center.

Social Skills

Daycare provides the benefit of socialization where kids can learn and grow with other children. Children are stimulated by other kids and develop social skills through their daily experiences in daycare.

Toys, Books, and Resources

Most daycare centers offer a wide variety of toys, books, games and play equipment. Daycare provides opportunities for creative play with art supplies, educational games, dress-up outfits, and building blocks. Some daycare centers also bring in people for extra activities, such as music or yoga. These items are usually included in your monthly or annual costs so you don’t have to pay extra for the supplies.

State Regulations and Accreditations

Day care centers must follow state regulations around safety, staffing, sanitation, and space issues. Ask about the center’s most recent state license and if they have been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Multiple Teachers

Many daycare centers have wonderful teachers who have been working with kids for many years. Some may have training in child development. Children will be supervised by a group of teachers and form relationships with more than one individual.


The price of daycare tends to be more affordable than a nanny since you are sharing the cost with other families. The price varies based on location and type of facility. An in-home daycare center, also known as family care, is usually less expensive than a traditional daycare (but also offers fewer benefits like resources and multiple teachers..

Drawbacks of Daycare

While there are many daycare pros, every pro comes with some sort of con. Here’s why you should not choose daycare. 

More Germs and Illness

Germs are prevalent in daycare with kids sharing so many toys, wiping their noses and touching the toys again. Given close contact with so many children, in daycare, a child may get sick more times a year than one not in daycare.

Sick Policies

Daycare centers have strict sick policies so if your kid falls into their “sick” category, you have to take off from work or find other childcare arrangements when your child has an illness. Further, if your kid gets sick at daycare, you will have to pick them up and keep them home until they are free of the illness.


Bites or falls are common in daycare. With many kids, it is difficult to keep an eye on all kids at one time so there may be more bumps and bruises.


Daycare centers run on specific hours so if you are late picking up your child, it is probable that you will be subject to an extra charge. If you have a job where you cannot leave at a specific time each day, you may need more flexibility than daycare can offer.

Your Kid’s Personality

Daycare has many transitions and stimuli, so it’s important to know your child’s personality. Think about whether they will be overwhelmed or overstimulated by this environment. Also, other kids’ behavior and development can impact your child’s day. Will your child be influenced by a child who needs additional discipline? How do you feel about teachers caring for more than one baby at a time?

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny

From more parental control to flexibility, having a nanny around the house can be an attractive option, but it comes at a cost.

Benefits of Hiring a Nanny

Many parents appreciate the flexibility and control they get from having a nanny who works in their home.

More Parental Control

With a nanny in your home, you have more control over what your child is exposed to, where they go, what they eat, and what their schedule looks like. Most nannies provide detailed reports of the day and send parents pictures. If this is important to you, a nanny is a good option.

Individual Attention

Your nanny is focused on your child’s individual needs. There is no competition for attention and the nanny can solely concentrate on your child’s development.


A nanny provides the benefit of a primary attachment figure. With a nanny, your child can develop a special relationship with one person and rely on them to be a secure and comforting person in their lives.


Having a nanny come to your home makes being a working parent much easier. If you forget to do something at home, you can call your nanny. If you are having a repairman come to the house, your nanny can be there to let him in. Further, many nannies help with light housework, cook your child’s meals and do their laundry. These tasks lessen the parenting load for you.


You set the hours for when you need a nanny. If you start work later in the day and work evenings, you can find a nanny who will work with your schedule. If you are stuck in traffic, your nanny will be at home waiting.

Consistent Care

Most nannies stay with their families from birth through school age. Turnover at daycare centers tends to average at least one caregiver leaving each year or sooner which may be emotional for your child.


With a nanny, you don’t have to prepare or pack up for the day. No lugging pumped milk or packed lunch across town with you.

Drawbacks of Hiring a Nanny

With nannies come parenting style conflicts and issues with regulation. Here’s why you may not want to have a nanny.

Parenting Style Conflicts

If you and your nanny disagree on topics such as discipline, sleeping, or other parenting issues, it may be a conflict and make for a difficult relationship. It is best to find a nanny who is on the same page as you in terms of parenting style. Consistency between caregivers is important for child development.


Nannies usually cost significantly more than daycare centers. Nanny costs vary depending on location, the number of kids, and other factors. If you want a nanny, but cannot afford an individual nanny, think about a nanny share where two or more children share one nanny.


If a nanny consistently shows up late, then it makes you late for work. Since the nanny is coming to your home you cannot control their tardiness.

No Coverage for Sick Time

If your nanny gets sick, takes a personal day, or has to leave town, you will have to stay home or find backup care.

No Regulations

Nannies are not required to have extra education on child development or specific certifications. Many nannies are CPR certified, but not all. Screening nanny candidates and running background checks are up to parents.

You Are the Employer

Having a nanny means you are an employer. You should keep your nanny “on the books” and then pay taxes on your nanny’s salary. You can also take advantage of tax breaks via the Child Care Tax Credit and/or dependent care flexible spending accounts. When hiring a nanny, you should discuss sick time and vacation days and create an agreement or a nanny contract. Also, as the employer, you should give your nanny feedback and have open conversations about their work.

A Word From Verywell

When choosing a childcare situation for your family, sit down and make a list of what is most important to your family. Be honest with yourself about your needs and wants and think about things that may upset or frustrate you. Remember that no decision is permanent and you can always change your situation based on your needs or your child’s needs.