Skills Being Practiced

Scientific method Basic understanding of how electricity works Exploring conductive materials and circuitry

What You Need

2 D batteries Large paper clip 2 brass fasteners Small plastic cup Empty toilet paper tube Flashlight light bulb Scissors 5"-long piece of 22-gauge insulated copper wire 8"-long piece of 22-gauge insulated copper wire Utility knife or wire strippers Electrical tape 2"-wide sewing elastic Ruler Marker

Get Ready to Play

  1. Use a utility knife or a pair of wire strippers to strip 1" of insulation from each end of both pieces of copper wire. 2. Have your child measure and cut a ½" piece of sewing elastic. He should have a piece of elastic that measures ½" x 2". 3. Use your utility knife to make a small slit in the middle of the piece of elastic, and insert the flashlight bulb, bulb-side up. Make sure the elastic fits snugly. 4. Help your child cut the bottom off the plastic cup. It should now look like a small megaphone. 5. Ask your child to cut the toilet paper tube lengthwise so it can be spread out into a flat rectangle.