You stuff them into bins and pile them into boxes only to have them magically reappear a moment later. You sort and straighten and organize—and then bam! All of a sudden it’s Christmas again and you’re knee-deep in a whole new wave of flashy, plastic junk. Need a new battle strategy to keep all those toys at bay? Take a cue from Julius Caesar: Divide and conquer. By dividing your toys into separate groups and rotating access to these groups of toys one group at a time, you’ll prevent your kids from suffering that overwhelming feeling that comes with too many choices. Read on to learn more about toy rotation including the steps you need to take to make it successful.

Toy Rotation

Implementing a toy rotation strategy is a simple solution for a common problem—too many toys. With toy rotation, you divide the toys into groups and only allow your kids access to one group of toys at a time. Then, you switch (or rotate) the toys to keep the toys they have available to them fresh and interesting. Toy rotation works because kids can actually see and assess what they have, everything gets played with and appreciated. And with fewer toys on hand, clean up is a breeze. Best of all, the anticipation of having something new and different to play with every few weeks makes each and every month feel like December! Ready to rotate? Get organized with these 10 tips for starting and maintaining a toy rotation in your home.

Put All of the Toys in One Place

Having all your toys out in one room at the same time may seem overwhelming, but if you are going to put those enterprising playthings back in their place, you need to know what you’re up against. Wait until the kiddos are tucked safely in their beds, and then round up those plastic space-invaders. Every. Last. One. Look under the couch and in the closets. Search the far-flung corners and crevices of your home until you are certain you have brought them all into account.

Dig Out the Obvious Offenders

Once you have your little one’s army of toys where you want them, it’s time to start whittling down the force. Start by tossing out all the obvious junk. The broken toys, the puzzles and games with missing pieces, the Happy Meal prizes, and party favors—it all goes straight into the trash.

Pair Like With Like

Once you’ve pared down your toy collection, sort the remaining toys into the following groups.

Arts and crafts Books Building/making toys: Legos, blocks, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, etc. Dramatic/domestic play: i.e. costumes, accessories, kitchen items, toy tools, etc. Games and puzzles Moving/motor skill toys: Toy cars, musical instruments, ride-on toys Social/emotional play: Dolls, dollhouses, stuffed animals

Pare Down

After you organize your toys into groups, attack each category individually, paring it down as much as possible.  Think about the things your kids actually play with. If it hardly ever sees the light of day, why hold on to it? Your little one probably won’t even miss it! Finally, address your child’s toy collections. Ask yourself how many stuffed animals you really need. How many toy cars? Your kiddo may have dozens of each, but in reality, they probably play with the same few toys regularly. Pull out their favorite items, and donate the rest.

Create Toy Sets

Choosing several toys from each identified group, create three to six separate rotation sets. When making your selection, try to think about how your child would play with the included items, and look for opportunities to encourage creative cross-play. For instance, you might include a family of small figurines in a rotation set with their Lincoln Logs, or put a tea set with their dolls. It’s also a good idea to keep toys featuring the same character or theme together. If your little one sees their favorite My Little Pony puzzle, you can bet they are going to ask for their plastic pony friends. Save yourself the tears and trouble, and include them in the same box to begin with. When you’ve finished curating your sets, pack each into a large plastic tub or box. Be sure to label the box so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Exceptions

Worried your little one will miss their favorite things? Don’t be afraid to bend the rules slightly and leave a few toys out on a regular basis.

Put In-Rotation Toys on Display

When you have toddlers, putting away toys is a waste of time. Instead of storing toys in baskets and bins, try setting up several themed play stations where toys remain largely on display.  Create a costume station or domestic play area. Set up a station for arts and crafts and a cozy reading corner with a few readily displayed books. Then cycle new toys in and out of each station with each new rotation. By exposing your kids to a variety of easy-to-access toys all at once, you’ll encourage them to use their toys in new and imaginative ways. The kids will have an easier time deciding what to play, and you’ll have an easier time keeping up with the mess.

Hide the Goods

Like the old adage goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” Wherever you store the out-of-rotation toys, make sure your kids don’t lay their eyes on them. Avoid clear plastic bins, and store the tubs or boxes somewhere the kids can’t get to them, like a locked closet or in the garage. That way, the kids are less likely to ask for them.

Create a Rotation Schedule

How often you rotate your toys is entirely up to you. Some parents may switch out their toy sets like clockwork every couple of weeks, while others could opt for once a month or even bi-monthly rotation. Some prefer to set the idea of a schedule aside and simply pull out the next box whenever their kids get bored with the toys they have. There’s really no wrong way to go about it. The key is to be flexible. Find out what works for your family, and make changes to the plan as you go.

Consider a Toy Swap

Need to freshen up your routine? Try a box swap! Simply label your toys with some masking tape, and try switching boxes with a friend. Your kids will enjoy exploring a treasure trove of new toys, and when it’s time to rotate again, you can easily collect up the borrowed toys and switch back.