Here are eight reasons why I have decided to continue homeschooling after the pandemic is finally over:

1. I Can Offer Individual Attention That a Classroom Teacher Never Could

Teaching my child at home means that she has one-to-one support the whole school day long. When I taught elementary school, I often had classes of over 30 little learners, all in need of my attention. When I had smaller classes, about half that size, there was a notable difference in how much progress my kids were able to make and in the quality of the relationships I developed with each child. The students in my larger classes spent more time waiting for my help or staring into space when they were done, and my discipline needed to be harsher. I know that difference was because there were fewer students for me to teach and connect with. Now imagine how much more I can give to just one child. Even if I had more children at different grade levels, I would still be able to help each child so much more with a manageable number of them.

2. I Can Follow Her Interests

When I homeschool my daughter, she can learn more about what she really cares about. For example, she is fascinated with volcanoes, the tropical rainforest, and ancient Egypt. I don’t have to wait until the standards dictate that it’s time for her to learn about these topics. Instead I have the ability to seize the moment and dive deep into topics that spark her passion. While my daughter might be interested in these subjects, they are certainly not what my expertise is in, which is why I subscribe to I use to not only find engaging and creative lessons on the subjects my daughter loves, but also to guide the overall curriculum of my homeschooling plan. offers full academic curriculums for grades 3–12 and beyond, with over 79,000 lessons tailored to your child’s learning style with videos, transcripts, and flashcards. Many parents feel nervous about homeschooling because they feel like they are not smart enough, and struggle with how to get started. helps take the guesswork and worry out of homeschooling. They offer lessons in every subject you could think of including math, science, history, reading, and more, making it easy to create a well-rounded educational experience. You can also access on-demand help from expert instructors if you need a quick question answered or support in any subject. Plus, if you’re like me and your child has very specific interests, they even have an option to create your own courses by putting together specific videos and lessons for a personalized learning experience.

3. I Can Meet Her Where She’s At

The best homeschool curriculum is one that fits both your child’s educational needs and interests. As her teacher at home, I am able to nurture her interests and abilities by continuing to work on advancing her reading skills. When it comes to her weaknesses, I can put off things that she is simply not developmentally ready for, or, conversely, target her problem areas and hone in on those skills. offers lessons designed to engage multiple learning styles. If your child is more of a visual or auditory learner, you can choose from over 27,000 videos to enhance your lessons. If your child is more of a kinesthetic learner, each video lesson has a transcript than can be printed so your child can read and engage with the text. Online instruction like can provide flexible, adaptable coursework for all learning styles and educational goals. This kind of academic tailoring is near-impossible in the traditional classroom where the teacher must rely on her curriculum while balancing the needs of a diverse group of students.

4. I Get to Spend More Time With My Child

Even though sheltering in place sometimes has me overwhelmed by how much time I spend with my daughter (read: 24/7), I have to admit I really enjoy her company. Pre-pandemic, I truly missed her when I dropped her off at school. As she grows, going to school is going to keep us apart for more and more hours each day. Homeschooling would give me more time to spend with her and to watch her grow. Of course, homeschooling doesn’t mean just playing around. Structure and discipline come into play, and sometimes managing my own child can drain my energy. But learning isn’t a chore—it’s meant to be fun, and when I look at it that way, I can see that it’s a great way to spend family time! Don’t have time to finish reading now? Pin it for later:

5. More Time Outdoors

I believe that kids need a lot more fresh air and time in nature than they get in a traditional school environment. I also believe in allowing for a full two hours of active time each day, preferably outdoors, for optimal cognitive development to happen. Even while we stay at home, we go outside whenever it’s nice, often to read books or do a math activity out in the fresh air. One of the best parts of is that it can be done anywhere using the mobile app. You can consider incorporating one of’s lessons into an outdoors nature activity or even with you on the road for an adventure or field trip (once stay-at-home orders are lifted, of course). When you can, you might consider visiting planetariums, aquariums, museums, and local farms, among others for an outside-the-box homeschool field trip.

6. No More Hectic Mornings

Try as I might, mornings are always hectic trying to get to school on time. Even when I make lunch the night before and lay out her clothes, something unexpected always seems to throw things off and prevent me from staying calm. We might be on time but mornings are not exactly enjoyable. I do believe in getting dressed every day, even when staying home, but homeschool mornings are so smooth and pleasant. We enjoy breakfast and complete the morning chores together first before dressing and starting the day’s lessons. I have a routine but there’s no strict schedule or a bell.

7. More Opportunities for Real-World Learning

Traditional schools are a bubble, no matter how much teachers do to help their kids learn about the real world. School has a culture of its own, where large groups of children all the same age spend the day together with a single adult dedicated to educating them. No doubt that this is a wonderful thing, but the truth is, school does shelter our kids to some extent. They are less aware of what happens in their cities and towns, or in the world, during the hours they spend in schools. Homeschool is integrated into home life, and I have so many opportunities to teach my daughter how to complete domestic tasks like cooking and fixing things around the house, and helping out with yard projects such as gardening or building a playhouse. It’s not just at home either. Once life returns to normal, I’ll have endless opportunities to bring her to museums and expose her to many types of people she wouldn’t meet if she spent her days in a classroom and on a school yard.

8. I Am the Only Teacher Who Loves My Student More than Anything

As my child’s mother, I am completely devoted to her wellbeing. There are so many amazing and dedicated teachers that I have met through my life, so don’t get me wrong. I don’t think all teachers are apathetic or distracted… but I also know there are a few who are. Whether it’s because their lives are demanding or they’re just burned out, the fact is, kids keep the same teacher for nine months. That’s a long time to keep one that isn’t a great fit. If I can teach my child myself, why take that risk? Homeschooling is no easy feat, and it’s not for everyone. But during the coronavirus shut down, I have learned that it’s a great fit for my family. Launch your child’s homeschooling success with’s robust homeschool offerings and programs here. This article was sponsored by

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