During the decades that followed, the United States population grew more diverse; however, the vast majority of names given to its newest members continued to be of English derivation. Again, much of this was due to the continuing flow of immigrants from other countries who wanted to give their children the best possible start in America by assigning them names that would help them fit in. Over time, these names would come to be considered as American names, even though they were really anything but. Today, the odds still favor a child who is born in the United States being given a name of English derivation, thanks to the long history behind these names and the long-standing dominance of the English language. But the continued blending of cultural and ethnic boundaries has created a pool of available names that has grown far beyond traditional naming patterns. As parents, you have a broader range of names to choose from for your new baby today than at any other time in recorded history. You also have a virtually free rein over your selection, as there are almost no rules governing what name you select. What is kind of fun to keep in mind is that whatever name you end up choosing or creating for your new little one will also take its rightful place in the compendium of naming history. Somewhere down the road, perhaps centuries from now, other expectant parents will be studying our naming trends and patterns as they search for the perfect name for their joyous arrival. The name you select today might even serve as inspiration to someone in those future generations. What a great legacy to leave!