What Is a Brain Injury?

The term brain injury refers to brain damage resulting from physical trauma occurring after birth. The most common cause of brain injury is by sudden or accidental trauma to the head, as in a car accident. There are several types of brain injuries having various effects.

Concussions occur from a sudden impact or a strong whiplash movement as in a sudden stop when moving at high speeds.A contusion, which is a bruise on the brain.A coup injury, which is located at the site of impactA contrecoup injury, which occurs to parts of the brain that are directly opposite from the initial impact. The brain sits within our skulls and is surrounded by a fluid-filled pocket between the brain and the skull walls. In an accident, the initial impact causes trauma to the impact site. The brain then moves within the skull and strikes the opposite side of the skull, causing the secondary injury. This type of injury occurs during sudden stops at high speeds and is also seen in victims of violent shaking. Further brain injury can occur when patients suffer a second traumatic blow before the first injury has healed.

What Are Common Symptoms of a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries range from mild to debilitating. Any person having trauma to the head should be seen immediately by a doctor who can determine what critical care may be needed. The earlier the treatment begins, the more successful treatment can be.

Learning Disabilities With Brain Injuries

Many students who sustain brain injuries have resulting specific learning disabilities (SLDs). The type and severity of the disability depend on the seriousness of the injury and the part of the brain affected. If the student had an SLD before the brain injury, it is possible that the learning disorder may worsen.

NauseaVomitingUnconsciousnessSlurred speechConfusionAmnesia or other memory problemsDelayed physical or mental responsesVisual disturbancesVacant staring

In cases of moderate to severe damage, seizures, coma, impaired behavior and thinking, and even death may occur.

Educational Programs for Children With Traumatic Brain Injuries

Treatments for brain injuries vary, depending on the type and severity of the injury. Medical interventions may include surgery, long-term hospitalization, and therapies such as physical, counseling, behavioral, occupational, and speech. The patient’s first year following the injury is considered as most important to improve the long-term outlook for recovery. To develop an appropriate Individual Education Program (IEP), it is important for educators to work with the physicians treating the student to develop a transition plan to assist with moving them back into the classroom setting. It is also important for everyone working with the student to continue to communicate throughout the first year of recovery to exchange information and develop the most appropriate strategies and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for the student’s unique needs.