Most of these minor injuries can be treated with alcohol and anti-bacterial ointment. These injuries include the simple nips and scratches a dog might inadvertently cause while playing. Cats sometimes use their claws as a means to get your attention. Whatever the circumstance, these injuries are accidents, and if the animal in question has had its shots, there’s no reason to be alarmed. In order for an animal wound to qualify as a bite, it must break the skin. It doesn’t matter if a person accidentally hits a dog’s teeth or if a cat scratches the skin. If the epidermis (skin) is broken, bacteria from the animal’s saliva can seep into the open sore, which may result in infection. Animal bites can potentially be serious. For example, if a stray dog attacks someone on the street, or if a rabid cat has scratched an individual, first aid needs to be administered immediately. Use these steps to treat more serious injuries caused by animals:

The Danger Signs of Rabies

The only sure way to find out if a warm-blooded critter has rabies is to perform laboratory tests. However, there are certain signs that indicate the possibility of rabies. The following observations are often true of rabid animals:

Wild animals come close to you instead of running away. The animal foams at the mouth, and its tongue hangs out. The animal can’t seem to catch its breath; breathing is very labored. The wild animal suddenly lunges and snarls, ready to attack without provocation.

Rabies in its early stages is virtually undetectable, but there are some species that are more prone to rabies than others. If an untagged dog, bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, rat, or squirrel comes close to you, it is best to walk away slowly so as not to anger or frighten the animal.

Avoiding Injury to Yourself

There’s an old saying that “If you’re not good to yourself, you can’t be good to anyone else.” If you yourself get hurt by the same angry dog or nasty squirrel, you won’t be much help to your companion. Here are some bits of advice that might help you avoid this predicament:

Blow a whistle or yell loudly, and the animal should flee. If the person is not too badly bitten, carry or drag him or her to a safe place. This one’s tough: Wait it out. As long as the animal is not continuing to attack, it’s best to wait until he gets bored and leaves the scene completely. If you have no other recourse, if you are an expert marksman, and if you have a weapon available, kill the animal. But make sure the brain is not damaged so it can be examined for rabies.