But when you’re new to this language of fertility, they can make you feel like an outsider. Here’s how to understand it all. Use this guide, with links to definitions when available, to help you get started with IF/TTC forum and social media speak.


ACOG: American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACA: Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies. AF: Aunt Flow or Flo, also known as your period. (Outside of infertility circles, AF stands for “as f#%k” … which really is just as appropriate from a trying to conceive context!) AFNW: Aunt Flo Not Wanted. AFSA: Aunt Flo Stay Away. AH, or AZH: Assisted Hatching, an IVF technology. AI: Artificial Insemination. ANA: Antinuclear Antibodies. AO: Anovulatory. APA: Antiphospholipid Antibodies. ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology. ASRM: American Society for Reproductive Medicine. ATA: Antithyroid Antibodies. AWOL: A Woman on Lupron, referring to the mood swings that sometimes accompany this fertility drug. BA: Baby Aspirin. BBT: Body Basal Temperature Charting. BCP: Birth Control Pills. BD: Baby Dance, a reference to having sexual intercourse during on your most fertile days; OR, Baby Dust, a sort of good wishes or good luck phrase meant to hope you get pregnant. Beta: A pregnancy test that measures the levels of hCG (pregnancy hormone) via blood work. BFN: Big Fat Negative, refers to a negative pregnancy test. BFP: Big Fat Positive, refers to a positive pregnancy test. BMS: Baby Making Sex. BOB: Baby on the Brain, or thinking about having a baby all the time. BV: Baby Vibes, same thing as Baby Dust, something you “give” to someone in hopes they’ll get pregnant. B/W or BW: Blood Work.


CAH: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. CB: Cycle Buddy, someone who either started the cycle with you, ovulated around the same time as you, or is planning to take a pregnancy test at about the same time as you. CCCT, or CCT: Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test, a fertility test. CD: Cycle Day, a reference to the days of a treatment cycle or any menstrual cycle when trying to conceive. CD 3 would be the third day after your period starts. CM, or CF: Cervical Mucus or Cervical Fluid, a topic you may have never imagined talking about, but in a fertility forum, may find yourself chatting about with unexpected enthusiasm. In detail, no less! CMV: Cytomegalovirus. CL: Cover Line, refers to a line drawn on a body basal temperature chart. Temperatures “above the cover line” occur after ovulation. CP: Cervical Position, another topic you probably never imagined talking about with strangers. CY#: Cycle Number, since TTC or since starting a treatment. DE: Donor Eggs. DES: Diethylstilbestrol. DHEA: Dehydroepiandrosterone. DI: Donor Insemination, as you would have with IUI along with a sperm donor. DTD: Doing the Deed, or Doing the Dance, a reference to sex. DPO: Days Past Ovulation. DPR: Days Past Retrieval, or the number of days since you’ve had the oocyte (egg) retrieval during IVF treatment. DPT: Days Past Transfer, or the number of days after embryo transfer in an IVF treatment or embryo donation cycle.

E2 to FTTA

E2: Estradiol, a hormone sometimes measured during fertility testing and treatment. EB, EMB: Endometrial Biopsy. EDD: Estimated Due Date. ET: Embryo Transfer, done during IVF. ENDO: Endometriosis. EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus, or the most fertile kind of cervical mucus. FE: Frozen Embryo. FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer, referring to an IVF cycle using previously frozen embryos that have been thawed and then transferred. FHR: Fetal Heart Rate. FF: Fertility Friend, referring to the charting website FertilityFriend.com. FM: Fertility Monitor, used to detect ovulation at home. FMU: First Morning Urine. FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone. FTTA: Fertile Thoughts to All.


GIFT: Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer, a form of assisted reproductive treatment. GS: Gestational Surrogate. hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HPT: Home Pregnancy Test, like what you buy at the drug store. hMG: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin. HOM: High Order Multiples, a pregnancy with three or more babies. HSG: Hysterosalpingogram. ICSI: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. IF, or IFer: Infertility or a reference to someone with infertility. IM: Intramuscular Injection. IPS: Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms, when you feel pregnant but you’re not. IR: Insulin Resistance. IUI: Intrauterine Insemination. IVF: In Vitro Fertilization. IVF-DE: IVF with Donor Eggs.


LAP: Laparoscopy. LH: Luteinizing Hormone. LMP: Last Menstrual Period. LPD: Luteal Phase Defect. LSC: Low Sperm Count. M/C: Miscarriage. MF: Male Factor Infertility. MS: Morning Sickness. O or OV: Ovulation. OHSS: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. OPK, or OPT: Ovulation Predictor Kit or Test.

PCT to SubQ

PCT: Post-Coital Test. PCO, PCOS, or PCOD: Polycystic Ovaries, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/Disease. PG: Pregnant. PGD: Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. PI: Primary Infertility, or infertility without any previously born children. PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. PIO: Progesterone in Oil. PNV: Prenatal Vitamin. POC: Products of Conception. POF, or POI: Premature Ovarian Failure, or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency. POAS: Pee On A Stick, or take a pregnancy test at home. PUPO: Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise. RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist, a kind of fertility specialist. RI: Reproductive Immunologist, another kind of fertility specialist. RPL: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. SA: Semen Analysis. SART: Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies. SB: Stillborn. SHG: Sonohysterogram, a fertility test. SI: Secondary Infertility. SM: Surrogate Mother. STIMS: Stimulating Hormones, usually referring to injectable fertility drugs like gonadotropins. SP: Sperm Count. SOD: Sex on Demand, or sex on schedule or during fertility treatment. SubQ, or SC: Subcutaneous Injection.


2WW: Two Week Wait. TCOYF: Taking Charge of Your Fertility, a book by Toni Weschler on fertility awareness. TESE: Testicular Sperm Extraction. TL: Tubal Ligation. TMI: Too Much Information, something fertility forum goers don’t seem to shy away from too often! TTC: Trying to Conceive. TS: Traditional Surrogate. U/S: Ultrasound. VR: Vasectomy Reversal. ZIFT: Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer, a kind of assisted reproductive treatment.

A Word From Verywell

Fertility forums, social media circles, and other online support groups can be a huge help when you’re coping with infertility. Online fertility buddies can help you feel understood and less lonely. That said, when you’re new to fertility forums, the lingo and terminology can make you feel left out at first. The good news is you’ll likely learn the new abbreviations quickly, and learn to appreciate them as they’ll save you typing time! In the meantime, if you’re not sure why a forum member wants to be your CB and is urging you to BD, don’t be shy about asking what they mean. Everyone was a newbie at some point and understands what it’s like to feel clueless.