If you have a concern, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and call. Most of the time, your provider will be able to answer your question or ease your mind with just a phone call. Other times, you may be instructed to go to the hospital. Below, you’ll find a list of some of the times you should definitely call your doctor. These are all cases when ignoring your concerns because you don’t want to be a bother could result in serious consequences for you or your baby. At that point, you should be aware of major changes in your baby’s patterns and movements. If you notice that your baby is moving less than usual, or not at all, call your doctor or midwife. You may be given instructions to follow at home, or you may be advised to go to the hospital for monitoring. Contractions can happen for other reasons, but the only way to determine if you are in labor is to be examined by your doctor or midwife. Call your practitioner for complete instructions about what to do at home and when to report to the hospital. Women whose placentas are in an abnormal place, such as a placenta previa or a vasa previa, should report any signs of bleeding during pregnancy because of the increased danger to both mother and baby with these diagnoses. There are serious risks during pregnancy for women with all types of diabetes. If your blood sugar falls outside the expected ranges, and your regular at-home instructions aren’t helping, call your doctor for instructions. If very low or very high blood sugars go untreated, there can be serious consequences, including seizure, coma or death. There is an increased risk of rupture if you’ve had a c-section before. If you experience severe pain that comes on suddenly, call your doctor or midwife for instructions. If you have a gush of clear fluid from your vagina, you should contact your doctor or midwife. There are simple tests to determine if you are leaking amniotic fluid and need treatment.