
Chloasma, which is also called melasma or the “mask of pregnancy,” is a common condition in pregnancy. In fact, it impacts the majority of pregnancies, affecting between 45% and 75% of them. Chloasma usually presents as dark, brownish patches of skin, mostly on the forehead, nose, upper lip, and cheeks—hence the “mask” nickname. These darkened areas, which can range from light tan to dark brown, are usually symmetrical, showing up evenly on both sides of the face. Less commonly, these patches can occur on other parts of the body that are exposed to the sun, like the neck or the forearms.

Causes of Chloasma

The exact causes of chloasma are unknown. However, there are several known triggers and risk factors that increase incidence. The condition is also known to occur at any time in life and in people of any gender. However, most commonly, hyperpigmentation occurs during and after pregnancy and in those taking pregnancy-related hormones. People with higher levels of pigment in their skin and those who are regularly exposed to more intense sunlight are also at higher risk of developing chloasma.


When chloasma happens during pregnancy, it is referred to as melasma. These changes in pigmentation are believed to be triggered by elevated levels of estrogen during pregnancy. Increases in these hormones are thought to stimulate the production of melanin, which results in areas of hyperpigmentation. People taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may also experience chloasma due to hormonal changes. The effect of the increased estrogen is magnified by the higher levels of progesterone that pregnancy triggers as well. This is also what often causes the linea nigra, the dark line down the center of your belly during pregnancy.


Sun exposure also heightens your likelihood of developing chloasma. The ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun encourages melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells in your skin) to produce melanin, which can be a trigger for the development of chloasma and can also exacerbate existing chloasma. Stress and thyroid disease can also be contributing factors.


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, people with more highly pigmented skin are more likely than those with lighter skin tones to develop chloasma. This is because their melanocytes are more active. Those with blood relatives who have had chloasma are also more likely to develop it. However, these factors do not necessarily mean you will develop it, just that you are at a higher risk. A person with light skin and no family history of chloasma can also develop the condition.

How to Minimize Chloasma

There is no need to treat chloasma, as it typically goes away after you give birth, or for some people, once you are done breastfeeding. If you find it really bothersome, however, there are some measures you can take to try to minimize chloasma.

Take Vitamin B9

Make sure you are getting enough folate (vitamin B9). Folic acid, the synthetic supplemental form of folate, is in prenatal vitamins, but make sure you’re consuming folate in your diet as well. Foods to eat include spinach, citrus fruits, pasta, rice, and beans. Folic acid might help reduce hyperpigmentation and minimize your chloasma.

Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Wearing sunscreen with a high SPF (at least 30 SPF) even on overcast days is crucial. The UV light can still be powerful, even on cloudy days. Sunlight and UV light triggers the release of melanin, and pregnancy can make you especially sensitive to this. Sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat can also help protect your face from the sun.

Use Makeup

Concealer and foundation can reduce the appearance of chloasma. During pregnancy, the skin tends to be more sensitive, so choose non-comedogenic, hypo-allergenic corrective foundation and concealer. Those that are specifically designed for hyperpigmentation can help even out your skin tone.

Use Gentle Skincare Products

Choose skincare products for sensitive skin. Products that irritate or sting the skin (like astringent, for example) can worsen chloasma for some people.

Avoid Facial Waxing

If you wax your brows or upper lip, you might want to skip those treatments during pregnancy. Waxing can inflame the skin, which can make chloasma worse. Since the upper lip is a common area where chloasma is found, this one is especially important to avoid.

A Word From Verywell

While chloasma can be frustrating to deal with, give your skin time to recover after childbirth. Your body’s hormone balance needs time to even out after pregnancy and breastfeeding, which can take up to several months. At that point, if your skin has not returned to normal, see a dermatologist for possible treatment options, such as skin lightening creams, topical steroids, or laser treatments. It is a good idea to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional to make sure your hormones are at typical levels as well. Most likely, once your hormones go back to pre-pregnancy levels, your skin will even out and the dark patches will fade away.