Typically, babies pull up to stand sometime between 7 and 12 months old. Learn more about when babies usually start to stand, related milestones, and when to be concerned if your child has not begun to pull up to stand.

Standing and Pulling Up

It’s important to note that not all infants develop on the same timetable. When babies pull up to stand is no different. Many babies could take a little longer to reach these milestones, while others may stand or pull up sooner. With time, the majority of babies will eventually meet these milestones. Most of those that come to the skills a bit later will perform them by a few weeks or a month or two after the typical range.

Stand, holding on to things between 6 to 9 monthsPull to a standing position around 9 months Stand unassisted by their 1st birthday

Other important things to know about babies learning to stand:

Some younger infants are able to stand up with support and bear some weight on their legs between 2 and 4 1/2 months. This is an expected and safe developmental stage that will progress to pulling up independently and won’t cause them to have bow-legs. Most toddlers begin walking up and down stairs around the age of 2, sometimes earlier. Toddlers with undiagnosed developmental hip dysplasia can probably stand and will likely learn to walk with a limp or waddling gait. If you notice these behaviors, consult your child’s physician. It’s time to start childproofing your home once your toddler starts pulling up. Your baby is going to be mobile before you know it and you want to keep them away from chemicals, choking hazards, and other dangerous items.

When Not to Worry

It’s common for parents to worry if their baby doesn’t meet every milestone on schedule but it’s not a reason to panic. Performing these skills later than normal does not necessarily indicate any developmental or longterm problems. Additionally, remember that it’s normal for babies who were born prematurely to reach milestones later than their full-term peers. However, you should always share your concerns with a trusted healthcare provider. It’s important to recognize that reaching milestones isn’t something that can be pushed on a baby and it doesn’t need to be taught. Babies learn these skills instinctually, which means parents do not need to do anything to help their child along other than provide routine infant care and allowing for opportunities to try out their emerging skills. For example, a child needs access to something to pull up on (such as the railing of a crib) in order to try out this skill. Additionally, be sure to give your child room to move in a safe, child-proofed space. Other than that, all parents need to do is wait, watch, and then cheer when their little one eventually shows off their standing and pulling up prowess.

What to Watch For

While you should do your best not to be overly stressed when a milestone is late, do trust your instincts. If you have a sense that something might not be right with your baby’s development, communicate your concerns to your child’s pediatrician. An underlying issue is more likely when a delay in standing or pulling up is accompanied by other missing milestones. For example, it may be cause for concern if your baby also doesn’t yet:

Bear some weight on their legs Roll over Sit up (by 9 months) Babble Laugh Respond to games, such a patty cake or peekaboo Respond to their environment Seek your attention through their actions

Additionally, there is a greater chance that your child has a developmental delay if their body seems very stiff, with tight muscles.

Developmental Delays

While it is expected that milestones may come a bit earlier or later than average, extended delays aren’t normal and may be cause for concern. Sometimes this (or other) milestones don’t arrive weeks or even a few months after the typical timing. When this happens, it’s called a developmental delay. Your child’s pediatrician will assess your baby’s progress toward these milestones at their well visits. If your child’s skills are outside of the norm, your doctor will evaluate whether or not there are other medical concerns at play. Some medical conditions that might cause a delay in standing or walking include:

Down syndromeCerebral palsyCongenital orthopedic problemsMuscular dystrophy

By 18 months, your pediatrician should make sure that your toddler can sit, stand, and walk independently.

A Word From Verywell

Only first steps beat the excitement of watching your child hit the pre-walking milestones of pulling up and standing. It can certainly be stressful if your baby is late to reach these milestones but aim to lean toward patience while giving your child the space to develop these new skills. Most babies will eventually master pulling up and standing—even if it takes them a bit longer to get there.