Menstrual Changes After Childbirth

During pregnancy, you learn a lot about your body and get lots of guidance from other women. However, one thing that is rarely discussed is postpartum periods and how they can change.


The flow, duration, and level of cramping during your period may change. Some women who had very heavy periods before pregnancy find their periods may be much lighter or vice versa. Some mothers find that their periods haven’t really changed, while others find them more or less painful. Premenstrual syndrome symptoms can also change for the better or worse after bearing children. For some women, PMS symptoms are stronger, while other women find they are no longer as strongly affected by hormonal changes in the days before their period. For many women, the return of PMS is the first indicator that their period is going to arrive soon.


If your menstrual cycle previously ran like clockwork, you may be caught off guard by a longer or shorter cycle, or one that is completely unpredictable. After you’ve given birth, you will bleed vaginally whether you had a vaginal birth or a cesarean section. This is the placenta healing and is known as lochia. This bleeding will last for six to eight weeks after you have had a baby and is not considered a return to your normal menstrual cycle nor is it considered your first period postpartum.

How Breastfeeding Affects Your Period

One key factor in determining when menstruation returns is breastfeeding. While some women get their period even if they breastfeed, most do not.

If You Do Not Breastfeed

Some people who do not breastfeed have their cycle return within the next six weeks. Most have it return within a few months.

If You Breastfeed

If you are nursing you will typically not have your normal period for many months, depending on the amount and frequency of nursing and a number of supplemental feedings, if any. Research suggests only 20% of people who breastfeed will get their period back within the first six months. Once you have weaned, your period will usually follow within a month or two. You may also see your period return as your baby begins to eat more solid foods or if you begin to supplement with formula or solids. This is normal as the amount of breastfeeding is less, meaning you are more likely to ovulate.

Getting Pregnant After Childbirth

It is important to remember that you may still ovulate while you are nursing, and you can get pregnant again during this time. The risk of ovulating in the first 6 months after having a baby, while you are breastfeeding, is about 1% to 5%. Some women use the lactational amenorrhea (LAM) technique as a means of birth control during this time. This is a very specific method of birth control with strict rules. Not everyone can use this for birth control.​

A Word From Verywell

If you find that your period has changed for the worse or you have strong PMS symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor or midwife. These symptoms may be related to the method of birth control that you are using, your age, or other factors not related to giving birth.