There are many areas that may be checked during your physical exam, including:

Blood pressure Blood work Breast exam Pap smear Pelvic exam Pregnancy test Ultrasound (if you’re having pain or bleeding or underwent fertility treatments) Urine screen for protein and sugar Weight

You will probably be seen for your first appointment between 8 and 10 weeks gestation, though you may be seen earlier if you’re having problems or if it’s your doctor or midwife’s policy.

Blood pressure check Listen to a fetal heartbeat using a Doppler Record your weight Urine screen for sugar and protein

Your baby’s first heartbeat can usually be heard with a Doppler between 8 and 12 weeks gestation. If you have trouble hearing the baby’s heartbeat, you will probably be asked to wait until your next visit when your baby is a bit bigger. Sometimes an ultrasound will be ordered as well.

Additional Testing

Additional testing may be performed at this appointment as needed. There are some optional tests you, your doctor, or your midwife may request:

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) (diagnostic test for many genetic diseases) Early amniocentesis (diagnostic test for many genetic diseases) Nuchal fold test (screening for Down syndrome)

It has been about a month since you’ve seen the midwife or doctor. Here’s what this appointment may look like:

Check your blood pressureListen for baby’s heartbeatMeasure your abdomen, called “fundal height,” to check baby’s growthRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Optional Testing

You may also have the following prenatal testing done if you request it:

Amniocentesis (diagnostic test for many genetic diseases) Neural tube defect (NTD)/Down syndrome screening by way of maternal blood work (several tests can be used including alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), triple screen, and quad screen)

Check your blood pressureListen for baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Optional Testing

You may also have a mid-pregnancy ultrasound screening if you request it or if it’s your doctor or midwife’s policy.

Check for swelling in your hands and feetCheck your blood pressureListen to the baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Check for swelling in your hands and feet Check your blood pressure Listen to the baby’s heartbeat Measure your fundal height to check baby’s growth Questions about baby’s movements Record your weight Urine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Check blood pressureCheck for swelling in your hands and feetListen to the baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthQuestions about baby’s movementsRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Other Testing and Information

You may have other tests or procedures ordered, like the glucose tolerance test (GTT) used to screen for gestational diabetes or the RhoGam, shot around 28 weeks of gestation for women who are Rh-negative. Your doctor or midwife may also give you information on screening for preterm labor on your own.

Check blood pressureCheck for swelling in your hands and feetListen for baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthPalpate to check baby’s position (vertex, breech, posterior, etc.)Questions about baby’s movementsRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Screening for Group B strep (GBS) will normally be done between weeks 34 to 36. This involves rectal and vaginal swab. You will continue to be seen every other week until about the 36th week of pregnancy. At this point, your visits will likely be fairly routine with very few extra tests being performed.

Check blood pressureCheck for swelling in your hands and feetListen to the baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthPalpate to check baby’s position (vertex, breech, posterior, etc.)Questions about baby’s movementsRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

You will continue to be seen every week until about the 41st week of pregnancy, at which point you may be seen every few days until your baby is born. Your visits are most likely fairly routine, with very few extra tests being performed.


You may also have an ultrasound to determine what position the baby is in at this point. Your doctor will also try to predict the size of your baby, but this is usually not very accurate. Because of this tendency for inaccuracy, it’s not a great idea to have an induction of labor based on the predicted size of your baby.

Home Birth

If you’re having a home birth, you may have a home visit during this time frame if your midwife doesn’t do her normal prenatal visits there. You will be able to give her a tour of your home and answer questions she may have about where everything is located.

Check your blood pressureListen for baby’s heartbeatMeasure your fundal height to check baby’s growthPalpate to check baby’s position (vertex, breech, posterior, etc.)Questions about baby’s movementsRecord your weightUrine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Optional Testing

Since you are officially past your due date, your midwife or doctor may want to watch you and your baby more carefully until labor begins. This may include the following tests:

Non-stress test (NST) Biophysical profile (BPP)

These tests will help determine if your practitioner needs to intervene with an induction of labor for the health of your baby or let your pregnancy continue.